Expressway Business Regulations Chapter 7 Charges for special traffic

Section 1 Transfer adjustments due to suspension of traffic

  • Handling of connections on Expressway entrance ticket system

    Article 34


  • Issuance of transit certificate

    Article 35


    2 The user must not wet, bend, stain, or write the transit certificate.

    3 The user must not transfer the transit certificate regardless of whether or not the price has been paid.

    4 The user must comply with this rule and the matters stated in the connection certificate in order to receive the required fare adjustment.

    5 The connection certificate will not be reissued under any circumstances.

    6 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, smart interchanges do not issue transit certificates.

  • Submission of transit certificate

    Article 36


    2 Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it is not possible to undergo transit adjustments using a transit certificate at smart interchanges.

  • Range of transit adjustment

    Article 37


  • Handling of transit at simple payment method Expressway

    Article 38


  • Issuance of transit ticket

    Article 39


    2 The user must not wet, bend, stain, or write on the transit ticket.

    3 The user must not transfer the transfer ticket regardless of whether or not the price has been paid.

    4 The user must observe the rules and the matters stated on the transit ticket in order to take the transit measures.

    5 Transit tickets will not be reissued under any circumstances.

  • Submission of transit ticket



  • Scope of transit measures



    2 単純支払方式の高速道路において、第39条に定める乗継券の交付若しくはそれに代わる措置を開始する以前に当該乗継券を交付若しくはそれに代わる措置を実施する料金所を通過したため、乗継券の交付若しくはそれに代わる措置の案内を受けられなかった利用者又は第39条の定めにより当社が乗継券の交付に代わる措置を案内した利用者にあっては、通行止めにより当社が指定したインターチェンジ等から退出し、同一区間に乗り継いだ直後の料金所において、乗継措置に必要な事項を確認できた場合は、乗継券の提出があったものとみなして乗継措置を適用します。

  • Invalid transit certificate, etc.

    Article 42

    In the cases listed in each of the following items, the connection certificate and transfer ticket (hereinafter referred to as "transfer certificate, etc.") will be collected as invalid, and Article 34 and Article 38 will not be applied.

    1. one When the information on the connection certificate, etc. is unknown due to stains, etc.
    2. 乗継証明書等を改ざん等した場合
    3. three When using or trying to use a connection certificate, etc. for a vehicle other than the one to which the certificate was issued
    4. 乗継証明書等の裏面記載事項及び第36条第1項のただし書きに記載された事項を守らなかった場合
    5. Five When the validity period of the transit certificate has expired
  • ETC system user transit adjustments, etc.



Section 2 Driving interrupted during interchanges, etc.

  • Charges in case of interruption due to our instructions


    Inlet ticketing scheme Expressway in, when exiting between the interchanges, such as to interrupt the passage by our instructions Expressway Price, etc., from the entry to the interchange or the like, enters from the exit was point to the traveling direction Charges will be applied to the nearest interchange in the direction of the interchange.

  • 当社の指示によらず中断又は開始した場合の料金


    In case of the entrance ticketing type Expressway, if the traffic is interrupted or started between interchanges without the instruction of our company, the charge for the Expressway etc. shall be the fee specified in the following items.

    1. one If the traffic is interrupted during an interchange, etc., the charge from the entering interchange, etc. to the nearest interchange, etc. in the direction of travel from the point of interruption to the direction of travel
    2. two When a traffic starts between interchanges, the charge from the nearest interchange, which is opposite to the direction of travel, to the exit that exited

Section 3 Charges for vehicles whose vehicle type has been changed during an interchange

  • Charges when the vehicle type is changed during an interchange

    Article 46

    When the toll car type is changed due to the connection with the towed vehicle while the vehicle is in an interchange, etc. on the entrance ticketing type Expressway, the direction of travel is opposite to the direction where the towed vehicle is connected. If the toll car type is changed due to disconnection, etc., it is considered that the car has changed from the most recent interchange, etc. The fee will be deemed to have been paid.

    2 Due to other circumstances, if the fare type is different between interchanges etc., the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Section 4 Vehicles that have turned between interchanges, etc. (Expressway with an entrance ticket system)

  • Turning between interchanges etc. according to our instructions


    On Expressway entrance ticket system, if you turn around on the main line due to other reasons such as suspension of traffic, the fee to be paid at the exit toll gate will be from the entrance interchange to the exit interchange.

  • Turning due to user circumstances


    In case of turning on the main line due to non-holding of the tire chain or other reasons on the Expressway entrance ticketing system, we will leave the interchange, etc. where the user exits (referred to as "designated interchange" in this Article). Specify.

    2 In the case of the preceding paragraph, the fee for exiting at a designated interchange, etc. shall be the fee from the approach interchange before turning to the designated interchange, etc. The fare will be the total of the charges from the entrance interchange, etc. before the turn to the designated interchange, etc., and the charge from the designated interchange, etc., to the exit, etc.

Section 5 Turning inside an interchange, etc.

  • Turning inside an interchange, etc.

    Article 49

    If you turn inside an interchange without passing through the exit toll gate and enter the main line again on an Expressway entrance ticketing system, the toll will be the exit at the turned interchange, etc., and the one entering from the interchange again. Therefore, the sum of the charges from the entered interchange, etc. to the turned interchange, etc. and the charge from the turned interchange, etc. to the exit, etc.

  • Turning at interchanges etc. according to our instructions

    Article 50

    Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding article, if the user exits an interchange, etc. designated by the Company due to traffic closure or other reasons, the user wishes to return to the interchange, etc. that the user entered, and inside or outside the interchange, etc., according to the instructions of our staff. If you can turn around at the exit, the fee paid at the exit toll gate for the last exit, etc., will be from the entrance you entered to the last exit, etc.

第6節 インターチェンジ等の間での転回(単純支払方式の道路)

  • Turns between interchanges

    Article 51

    In case of turning on the main line due to our instructions on a simple payment type Expressway due to traffic closure or other reasons, we will issue a special turn certificate to the user after designating the exit etc. to leave. However, if the following process is performed on a turning vehicle and it can be distinguished from other vehicles, it will not be issued.

    2 If the user exits the designated interchange, etc. (if the special turning certificate has been issued in the preceding paragraph, present or submit the certificate), the user has already charged the toll If you are paying, we will refund you. If you have not paid the toll for the relevant section, you can pass without paying the toll at the designated toll gate.

Section 7 Traveling when lapped

  • Driving when lapped


    In the case of an entrance ticketing-type Expressway that includes a round trip between the entering interchange and the exiting exit, it is considered as one run from the approaching interchange and the like until it returns to the overlapping point. From the overlapped point to the exits such as exits, it will be treated as another run.
