site map
- Corporate Top
- site map
Company information
- Corporate Information Top
- greeting
- Company Profile
- Management strategy
- Corporate governance
Terms and Conditions, Laws and Agreements
- About designation of Expressway which our company should perform new construction or reconstruction (designated on February 10, 2006)
- Agreement with the Japan Expressway Holding and Debt Repayment Corporation (signed on August 28 2024)
- Status of implementation of management based on the agreement with the Japan Expressway Holding and Debt Repayment Corporation (FY2023)
- Expressway business license (licensed on September 6 2024)
- East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. to manage Expressway according to the Expressway plan for the convenience enhancement business
- Road Use Agreement stipulated by Act on Special Measures concerning Road Construction and Improvement
- Disaster prevention work plan / national protection work plan
- General business owner action plan
- Disclosure of information
- Basic Policy on Customer Harassment
Business guide
- Business Information Top
Road management and operation business
- Road management and repair
- Traffic safety measures
- Traffic Management
- crisis management
- Toll collection
- Providing traffic information
- Traffic jam measures
- Smart maintenance highway
- Expressway renewal plan
- Infrastructure Life Extension Plan (Action Plan)
- Review committee for advanced inspection
- Aim for the next-generation Expressway
- Road Construction Project
- Service area business
- Expressway related business
- Technology, environment and overseas business
- Expressway glossary / data
- So reverse
Road management and operation business
Procurement and transactions
- Procurement / Business Top
- Contract regulations, standards, procedures, etc.
- About bidding contract system and various efforts
- Outlook for ordering
- Medium- to long-term order outlook
- Tender announcement / contract information search
- About revision of technical standards
- Revision of integration standards, etc.
- Industry briefing
- Medium-term plan for construction management work
- Download contract-related books
- Digitization of contract procedures
- Competition and eligibility suspension measures
- Summary of deliberations by the bid monitoring committee
- Average successful bid rate, construction contract statistical information
- Exclusion work for the latest accident vehicles
- Information on Internet advertisement
- Real Estate Property Information
- Road occupation relations
- IR Top
- Financial information
- General meeting of shareholders
- Securities report
- Issuance of government guaranteed bonds
- Straight bonds
- Sustainability Finance
- Social Finance (until May 2024)
- Rating information
- Road Construction Debt
- About succession of road bond
- IR video (corporate bond issuance record / issuance plan)