A huge gathering of local performing arts and gourmet food from the six Tohoku prefectures!

"Highway Festa Tohoku 2024" will be held!

September 21st (Sat) and 22nd (Sun) @ Sendai City Kotodai Park

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Highway Festa Tohoku 2024 logo Highway Festa Tohoku 2024 logo image

September 2, 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Tohoku Regional Head Office


1. Event name

Highway Festival Tohoku 2024

Image of the Highway Festival Tohoku 2024 brochure

2. Date and time

September 21st (Sat) and 22nd (Sun), 2020
10:00-16:00 on both days (cancelled in case of bad weather)

3. Venue

Kotodai Park Civic Square/Ikoi Square
(3-chome, Honmachi, Aoba-ku, Sendai City)

Four. Event content

Performances of local performing arts from six Tohoku prefectures

(Aomori Prefecture) Goshogawara Tachineputa Music
(Iwate Prefecture) Sansa Dance
(Akita Prefecture) Namahage Taiko [NAMAHAGE Gokagura]
(Miyagi Prefecture) Sparrow Dance
(Yamagata Prefecture) Hanagasa Dance
(Fukushima Prefecture) Hula & Tahitian Dance

Photos of local performing arts performances from six Tohoku prefectures

Sale of special products and local gourmets of each participating prefecture

We sell Tohoku specialty products and delicious local gourmet foods.
In addition to the local noodles from the six Tohoku prefectures, there are plenty of other delicious delicacies that are loved locally!

Local Gourmet Pictures

special stage

There will be a talk show by Emi Nakagawa, the image character for NEXCO EAST.
We are also planning some events for visitors to participate in, so stay tuned!
There will also be comedy shows and dance performances, so please check the timetable.

special stage photo

experience amusement

Fun play and experiences such as Aquamarine Fukushima mobile aquarium, child safety license, etc.
There is also a nostalgic fair and a corner of popped sweets.

Pictures of Experienced Amusement

Used clothing sales event "Furugi no Mori"

We will be holding a second-hand clothing sales event called "Furugi no Mori" in collaboration with a popular mobile second-hand clothing shop.
This is your chance to find bargains at great prices, so be sure to take advantage of this opportunity!

Image of the "Furugi no Mori" logo

In addition, you can experience riding aerial work platforms and patrol cars that work on Expressway, which you cannot usually see up close.

photo of aerial work platform
Photo of patrol car ride experience

What is Hiway Jingai Net?

Image of the Helloway Jingai Net logo

NEXCO EAST Tohoku Regional Head Office is working to improve the vitality of the entire Tohoku region by discovering and widely promoting attractive tourism resources and revitalizing regional exchanges. It has set up "Regional Liaison Committees" in each prefecture and organized the "Highway Traffic Network" to work together with the region. In addition to hosting "Highway Festa Tohoku 2024," NEXCO EAST Tohoku Regional Head Office will work to improve the vitality of the entire Tohoku region through various initiatives to promote the attractions of the region through Expressway.

NEXCO EAST Group has positioned the period from 2021 to 2025 as a period for contributing to the achievement of the SDGs and transforming toward a new future society, and is undertaking a variety of initiatives.
We believe that hosting the Tohoku Highway Festa 2024 will contribute to SDGs goals 8 and 17 as a business activity that leads to promoting sustainable tourism and revitalizing local communities.

Image of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS logo and SDGs target 8th and 17th logos
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