Logo mark commemorating the 10th anniversary of the full opening of Joban Expressway
We have decided on our main catchphrase!

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  • The logo mark and main catchphrase commemorating the 10th anniversary of the full opening of Joban Expressway have been decided!

PDF version [PDF: 327KB]

September 2, 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Tohoku Regional Head Office
Kanto Regional Head Office

 NEXCO東日本 東北支社(仙台市宮城野区)および関東支社(埼玉県さいたま市)は、令和7年3月1日(土)に全線開通から10周年を迎える常磐自動車道(以下、常磐道)「10周年ロゴマーク」等を発表します。

1. 10th anniversary logo

Image of the 10th anniversary logo

Joban Expressway The logo mark is based on the image of the 10th anniversary of the company, the sea seen from there, and the rising sun. The symbol mark "10th" also expresses familiarity.

2. 10th Anniversary Main Catchphrase

Image of the 10th anniversary main catchphrase

Joban Expressway has played a major role not only during the earthquake disaster but over the past 10 years, accepting the aspirations of many different people and supporting their efforts to "connect logistics and achieve recovery," "connect the local lifestyle and culture to the future," and "revitalize the region by revitalizing tourism." The name conveys that Joban Expressway will continue to play a role in connecting these local aspirations into the future.

3. Commemorative poster design

Image of the commemorative poster

4. 10th Anniversary Campaign

Highway Miyagi Service Campaign

ハイウェイ宮城 サービスキャンペーン2024

Fukushima Highway Drive Chance

観光支援 福島ハイウェイドライブチャンス2024

Highway Festival Tohoku 2024


  • Details of other events and campaigns will be announced as they are decided.

NEXCO EAST Group has positioned the period from 2021 to 2025 as a period for contributing to the achievement of the SDGs and transforming toward a new future society, and is undertaking a variety of initiatives.
With regard to the "10th Anniversary of Joban Expressway" initiative, we believe that by developing and strengthening the Expressway network, we will contribute to SDGs goals 3, 8, 9, and 11 as business activities that will lead to revitalizing the local economy and supporting local medical care.

Image of the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS logo and the 3rd, 8th, 9th, and 11th SDGs logos
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