During the 96th National Fireworks Competition (Omagari Fireworks)
[E46] Traffic congestion forecast for Akita Expressway

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  • Traffic congestion forecast for Akita Expressway (E46) during the 96th National Fireworks Competition (Omagari Fireworks)

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東北支社 秋田管理事務所
東北支社 北上管理事務所

NEXCO EAST Akita Management Office (Akita City, Akita Prefecture) and Kitakami Management Office (Kitakami City, Iwate Prefecture) have compiled the following traffic congestion forecast and countermeasures for the E46 Akita Expressway during the 96th National Fireworks Competition [Saturday, August 31, 2024].
On the day of the tournament, traffic congestion is expected on public roads around the venue, so please plan your travel with plenty of time and drive safely.

1. Congestion on the Akita Expressway Main Line

On the day of the convention, due to the concentration of visitors heading to the venue, there is usually a concentration of traffic at Akita Expressway and the Omagari IC exit, which is the nearest interchange ("IC"), and we expect the same trend to occur this year.
Traffic congestion is expected to continue at the Omagari IC entrance, Yokote IC entrance, Yuda IC entrance, and on the In-bound line toward Tohoku Expressway until around 2:00 a.m. on the following day after the convention ends.
 Please consider taking early action or choosing a route other than Akita Expressway.

Locations where traffic congestion of 5 km or more is expected

Date Up and down Top of traffic jam Peak hour congested section
(From the end of the traffic jam to the beginning of the traffic jam)
Maximum congestion length
(peak hours)
Congestion time zone
Saturday, August 31 上り線 北上方面 Near Yokote TN Yokote Kita SIC ⇒ Yuda IC 5km(翌1時) 23:00~翌2:00
  • "IC" stands for interchange, "SIC" stands for smart interchange, and "TN" stands for tunnel.
  1. Traffic information is provided on the road information boards installed at Expressway main line and toll booth entrances, so please check them.
  2. If you notice a traffic jam ahead, please turn on the hazard lamp and cooperate with the following car to prevent a rear-end collision accident.

Please note that traffic restrictions are currently being implemented due to renewal work on Out-bound lane of the E4 Tohoku Expressway between Hiraizumi Maesawa IC and Kitakami Kanegasaki IC, so congestion is expected on Out-bound lane on Saturday, August 31. Please allow yourself plenty of time when traveling.

2. Congestion at Omagari IC

 大会開催時は、大会会場の最寄りICとなる秋田自動車道 大曲ICの上り線出ロ・下り線出口で、交通集中の発生により一般道から連続して高速道路まで渋滞する場合がありますので、大曲ICより手前のIC(※)のご利用もご検討ください。大会終了後も、大曲IC入口は、一般道から渋滞が発生する見込みです。前方に注意して、安全運転を心掛けてください。

  • From the Tohoku Expressway direction, Yokote IC, Yokote Kita Smart IC (for ETC vehicles only) or Yuda IC.
    From Akita City, take Kyowa IC or Nishisenboku Smart IC (for ETC vehicles only).
  • Nishisenboku Smart IC's normal operating hours are from 6am to 10pm, but on the day of the tournament it will be open from 6am on Saturday, August 31st until 2am the following day, Sunday, September 1st.
  • Yokote Kita Smart IC is open 24 hours.


3. Major measures against traffic jams

On the day of the tournament, traffic congestion at the Akita Expressway main line and IC exits are expected, so NEXCO EAST will implement the following measures regarding traffic guidance and information provision.

  1. Traffic guides will be placed at the Akita Expressway Omagari IC exit toll gate.
  2. A map of traffic regulations around the venue will be distributed at Akita Expressway Yamauchi Parking Area (hereinafter referred to as "PA") (Out-bound line), Omori Parking Area (Out-bound line), and Nishisenboku Service Area (hereinafter referred to as "SA") (In-bound line). Masu.
  3. Traffic controllers will be deployed in the parking lots of Akita Expressway 's Kinshuko SA (both inbound and outbound lanes), Yamauchi PA (In-bound lanes), and Omori PA (In-bound lanes).
  4. A temporary LED information board will be installed on the Akita Expressway main line to provide traffic information and alerts.

Four. Business hours of facilities in the Akita Expressway area

The opening hours of facilities in the area on the day of the tournament, Saturday, August 31st, and the following day, Sunday, September 1st, are as follows.

  • Kinshuko Service Area will extend the business hours of the shop, light meal corner, and gas station as follows.
    Shop, light meal corner:
    Saturday, August 31st, from 7am to 8pm and from 11pm to midnight
    September 1st (Sunday) from 12am to 3am and from 6am to 8pm
    gas station:
    From 8:00 on Saturday, August 31st until 20:00 on Sunday, September 1st
  • Convenience stores in Nishisenboku Service Area (up and down lines) are open 24 hours a day.
    Please note that there are no gas stations on either line.

Five. Providing traffic information

For safe and comfortable driving on Expressway, you can easily obtain the latest Expressway information (traffic conditions, road surface conditions, road conditions, etc.) on your PC or mobile phone. Please use it before departure.

  • The use of mobile phones and smartphones while driving is prohibited. When using it, please operate it before departure, during breaks, or by a passenger.
  • "DraPla", a site full of useful information on Expressway nationwide
    [Address] https://www.driveplaza.com/
  • Expressway traffic information service "Drive Traffic (DraTra)"
    Real-time information https://www.drivetraffic.jp/
    Construction regulation information https://www.drivetraffic.jp/construction-regulation
  • NEXCO東日本お客さまセンター
    【電話番号】0570-024-024 または 03-5308-2424
  • 日本道路交通情報センター(JARTIC)
    全国共通ダイヤル 050-3369-6666
    (携帯短縮ダイヤル #8011
    岩手情報 050-3369-6603
    秋田情報 050-3369-6605
    東北地方高速情報 050-3369-6761
  • LINE official account "NEXCO EAST"
    We inform you about the traffic closure situation in NEXCO EAST jurisdiction.
    [Search] Search by "NEXCO EAST"
    [ID] @e-nexco
    [Friend registration 2D code]
    Add as friend: LINE 2D code image link (external link)
  • Highway radio
    Highway radio (AM1620kHz)
    The section that is broadcasting is indicated by the sign on Expressway.
  • Highway Information Terminal
    We will inform you of road information in an easy-to-understand manner by the monitor screens installed in SA / PA.
  • VICS
    You can get road traffic information with VICS-compatible car navigation and other on-board devices.
  • Information is also distributed on the official X (formerly Twitter) account.
    "NEXCO EAST (Tohoku)" (@e_nexco_tohoku)
  • Traffic conditions may change significantly due to accidents, weather conditions, etc., so please check the latest road traffic information on "DraPla" etc. before departure.
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