Replace with winter tires as soon as possible for a safe winter road drive

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  • Replace with winter tires as soon as possible for a safe winter road drive

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November 2, 3rd year of Reiwa
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Tohoku Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Tohoku Regional Head Office (Miyagino-ku, Sendai City) will have winter tires replaced early and winter on the Expressway in early winter so that they can drive safely on the winter road as the snowfall season begins. We will inform you of the installation rate of tires for winter. (Average value for the past 5 years from 2015 to the first 2019)
As of the first week of November, the winter tire installation rate for the entire Tohoku region is as low as about 25%, and there is a tendency for many slip accidents to occur on snowy roads at the beginning of the season. Please replace it and drive on a safe winter road.

1. 1. Changes in winter tire installation rates in the six prefectures of Tohoku

Nov Dec The first snow day
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 1 Week 2
Aomori Prefecture 37% 66% 83% 96% 99% 99% October 28
Iwate Prefecture 29% 41% 80% 92% 98% 99% October 25
Akita 23% 45% 80% 93% 96% 100% October 25
Miyagi Prefecture twenty four% 41% 60% 75% 87% 96% November 9th
Yamagata Prefecture 31% 43% 64% 90% 97% 100% October 27
Fukushima Prefecture 17% 28% 45% 63% 81% 91% November 9th
Tohoku twenty five% 40% 62% 77% 89% 95%
  • The winter tire installation rate is the average value for the past five years from 2015 to the first 2019.
  • The earliest first snow day is the earliest first snow day since 2015 on the Expressway. (NEXCO data)

2. Request from Dr. Mammoshi

  • Please "run on winter roads with winter tires".
    It is very dangerous to drive on snowy roads with normal tires.
    Accidents are more likely to occur during snowfall at the beginning of the season.
    Early winter tire changes will protect you and your loved ones.
    Reference Material-1 [PDF: 90KB]
  • Please drive slowly and safely on snowy roads.
    When driving on snowy roads at the beginning of the season, the feeling of safe driving on snowy roads may not be restored, so even if you are wearing winter tires, stay alert and keep a sufficient distance between vehicles and keep your speed modest. Do not operate the steering wheel or brake suddenly, and drive slowly and safely.
  • Please collect information frequently before and during your outing.
    The weather on Expressway in winter changes suddenly, so please check the road information and weather information frequently before and during your outing.
    Reference Material-2 [PDF: 776KB]
-Keep your life-Normal tires on winter roads Absolutely NG! Image image

Reference material

Changes in winter tire installation rates in the six prefectures of Tohoku [PDF: 99KB]

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