Iwate Prefectural Morioka Minami High School and Expressway maintenance of flower beds

-Promotion of "Flower and Green Peace Highway Garden ® Project" and "Kofuku Collaboration"-

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  • Iwate Prefectural Morioka Minami High School and Expressway maintenance of flower beds

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Image of flowers and green peace Highway garden logo and Takafuku cooperation logo


 NEXCO東日本盛岡管理事務所(岩手県盛岡市)は、岩手県立盛岡峰南高等支援学校(盛岡市)と一緒に、6月8日(火)の花苗の定植に引き続き、6月29日(火)E4東北自動車道 盛岡南(もりおかみなみ)インターチェンジ(IC)で花壇整備を行います。
 この取り組みは、平成11年度から開始し、今年で23年目を迎え、地域の方々と一緒にNEXCO東日本が進めている、サービスエリア(SA)などで樹木や草花を使ってお客さまが利用しやすく、リフレッシュできる安らぎの空間を整備していく「花と緑のやすらぎ ハイウェイガーデン®プロジェクト」と、高速道路を地域活性化の資源として障がい者の方々に就労機会を拡大する「高福(幸福)連携」の一環として実施するものです。

Flowerbed maintenance photo 1
Flowerbed maintenance photo 2

1. Implementation content

  1. 日時
  2. place
    Tohoku Expressway Morioka Minami IC
  3. participant
    Iwate Prefectural Morioka Minami High School
    NEXCO EAST Morioka (tube) group
  4. 内容

"Flowers and Green Peace Highway Garden ® project" What is
Rest facility We will convert the garden to a comfortable space that is easy to use, and we will develop a "highway garden" that aims to create regional characteristics and cooperate with the region, and provide customers with a more relaxing and healing space. It is a project that we are promoting for.

What is "Takafuku Kofuku (happiness) cooperation"?

  1. Origin of the name
    The name was inspired by the "Agriculture and Welfare Cooperation," which is a collaboration between agriculture and welfare.
    The logo mark Expressway, and the right side represents our company and the left side represents our partner, supporting each other. The design looks like a plus + and is reminiscent of improvement.
  2. Contribution to SDGs
    NEXCO EAST Group will work to revitalize local communities and solve social issues through the activities of "high fortune (happiness) cooperation" in which Expressway

    Image of logo to eliminate inequality of 10 people and countries
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