Sanriku Expressway (Senen Road) About traffic closure and lane regulation for 4 lanes

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  • Sanriku Expressway (Senen Road) About traffic closure and lane regulation for 4 lanes

December 3, 2015
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Tohoku Regional Head Office Sendai Construction Office

NEXCO EAST Sendai Construction Office (Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture), the Sanriku Expressway for the construction work for the 4-lane of, Sendai-Tobu Road-Sanriku Expressway of Sendai Port Interchange (IC) ~ Rifu Shiogama IC and Sendai-Hokubu Road The following road closures will be implemented between Rifu Junction (JCT) and Rifu Shirakashidai IC. In addition, after the suspension of traffic closure, the passing lanes of the upper and lower lines will be restricted until the end of February (scheduled), and we will proceed with the construction with the aim of completing four lanes by the end of 2015.

Congestion is predicted due to this traffic closure. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation so that you may have some time when you go out. Also, please make a wide-area detour, use public transportation, and check traffic information in advance.

[About traffic closures]

1 closed section

Sendai-Tobu Road / Sanriku Expressway
Sendai Port IC-Rifu Shiogama IC (upper and lower lines)
Sendai-Hokubu Road
Rifu JCT-Rifu Shirakashidai IC (upper and lower lines)

  • Sendai Port IC-Sendai Kohoku IC is the Sendai-Tobu Road, Sendai Kohoku IC-Rifu Shiogama IC is the Sanriku Expressway. Attachment-1 [PDF: 264KB]

2 suspension period

From Tuesday, January 12, 2016 to Wednesday, January 13
(Preliminary days: Wednesday, January 13, 2016 to Friday, January 29, 2016)
*Closed days are closed except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

3 closed hours

From 12:00 noon to 6:00 the next morning (18 consecutive hours)

4 Congestion prediction

Up to 4km from Rifu Shiogama IC on the Sanriku Expressway In-bound line from 14:00 to 22:00
Up to 9km from the Sendai Port IC at the beginning of the Sendai-Tobu Road Out-bound line from 12:00 to 23:00

5 Detour

Prefectural Road 3, Prefectural Road 8, Prefectural Road 141, Prefectural Road 10 Attachment-1 [PDF: 264KB]

Image of detour

6 Construction content

We will carry out the earthwork, pavement work, signage work, etc. required to make four lanes between Sendai Kohoku IC and Rifu Shiogama IC.

7 Regarding transfer fare adjustment due to suspension of traffic

Attachment-2 [PDF: 113KB]

Passengers who once flow out of the Expressway due to suspension of traffic, bypass the suspension of traffic, and then transfer again, will make "transit adjustment" to adjust the toll according to the segment used.

Tollgate where you can transfer

[From the Rifu Shiogama IC area]

(In-bound) Outflow IC:
Rifuchu IC (In-bound line), Rifu Shiogama IC (In-bound line)
Re-inflow IC:
Sendai Port IC (In-bound line), Sendai East IC (In-bound line), Natori IC (In-bound line), Rifu Shirakashidai IC (Out-bound line), Izumi IC ( Vertical line), Izumi PA smart IC (upper line), Sendai Miyagi IC (upper line), Yamato IC (upper line), Ohira IC (upper line), Imaizumi IC (upper line)

[From Sendai Port IC direction]

(In-bound) Outflow IC:
Sendai East IC (Out-bound line), Sendai Port IC (Out-bound line)
Re-inflow IC:
Rifu Shiogama IC (Out-bound line), Rifuchu IC (Out-bound line), Matsushima Kaigan IC (Out-bound line), Rifu Shirakashidai IC (Out-bound line), Izumi IC (up/down line), Izumi PA smart IC (up/down line), Sendai Miyagi IC (upper and lower lines), Yamato IC (upper and lower lines), Ohira IC (upper and lower lines)

[From the Rifu Shirakashidai IC area]

(In-bound) Outflow IC:
Yamato IC (In-bound line), Izumi IC (Out-bound line), Rifu Shirakashidai IC (In-bound line)
Re-inflow IC:
Rifu Shiogama IC (Out-bound line), Rifuchu IC (up/down line), Matsushima Kaigan IC (up/down line), Sendai Port IC (In-bound line), Sendai East IC (up/down line), Natori IC (up/down line), Imaizumi IC ( (Upper and lower lines)

8 Information provision

If there is a risk of heavy rain, heavy snow, or strong wind, we will postpone suspension of traffic.
In addition, depending on the progress of construction, we may cancel the suspension of traffic earlier than planned.
In addition, the decision on whether or not the road will be closed during the day and night will be made at 5 am on the day of the implementation.

[Customer contact]
  • NEXCO東日本お客さまセンター(24時間オペレーターが対応します。)
  • ハイウェイテレホン(24時間音声案内)
    仙台局 022-711-1620
  • (公財)日本道路交通情報センター

[Regarding lane restrictions after cancellation of traffic closures] Attachment-[PDF:267KB]

1 lane restricted area

  1. Rifu Shiogama IC -> Sendai Kohoku IC In-bound line Overtaking lane
    Sanriku Expressway 5.0KP-Sendai-Tobu Road 25.6KP (5.4km)
    Sendai Kohoku IC → Rifu Shiogama IC between the Out-bound line Passing Lane
    Sendai-Tobu Road 25.1KP-Sanriku Expressway 4.7KP (5.6km)
  2. Rifu Shiogama IC → Sendai Kohoku IC between the In-bound line Running lane
    Sanriku Expressway 5.0KP-Sendai-Tobu Road 25.6KP (5.4km)
    *KP is a kilopost (distance marking from Watari IC (starting from the Sendai-Tobu Road) and Sendai Kohoku IC (starting from the Sanriku Expressway)).

2-lane regulation period

  1. After suspension of traffic closure-End of February 2016 (planned)
  2. From the end of February 2016 (planned) to completion of 4 lane construction
    *Depending on the progress, the daily regulation place, regulation period, and regulation time may change.

3 lane regulation time

All day from regulation start date to regulation removal date

4 Regulation work content

After the suspension of traffic, the Sanriku Expressway Sendai Kohoku IC-Rifu Shiogama IC line Out-bound (lane heading toward Ishinomaki) will switch to the newly established section. In addition, due to the construction of the median strip, etc., we will implement median strip regulation to control the overtaking lanes of the upper and lower lines, improve the median strip with 4 lanes, correct road markings, traffic safety management facility Will be installed.

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