About traffic volume after reopening between Joban Expressway Hirono IC-Joban Tomioka IC [breaking news]

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  • About traffic volume after reopening between Joban Expressway Hirono IC-Joban Tomioka IC [breaking news]

March 7, 2014
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Tohoku Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Tohoku Regional Head Office (Aoba Ward, Sendai City) reopened at 15:00 on Saturday, February 22, 2014 at Joban Expressway Hirono Interchange (IC) to Joban Tomioka IC for one week [February 23, 2014] We will inform you about the traffic volume from Sunday to March 1, 2014].

About traffic situation after 1 reopening

  • The traffic volume between Hirono IC and Joban Tomioka IC for one week after reopening is approximately 1,600 vehicles/day.
  • The traffic volume in the adjacent section (in-service section) of the reopening section is as follows compared to before reopening.
    Between Iwaki Chuo IC and Iwaki Yokura IC: about 112%, between Iwaki Yokura IC and Hirono IC: about 120%
  • Summing up the inbound and outbound traffic of Joban Tomioka IC and Hirono IC after reopening and comparing with Hirono IC before reopening, It seems that about 600 cars/day were converted from the Hirono IC and about 1,000 cars/day from the national highways.
Image of traffic situation after reopening
After reopening: Average daily traffic for one week after reopening [Sunday, February 23, 2014 to Saturday, March 1, 2014]
Before Reopening: Average daily traffic volume for one week before reopening [Sunday, January 26, 2014 to Saturday, February 1, 2014]
*Traffic data for one week after reopening is preliminary