Expressway usage during the Obon period [Tohoku region version]

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  • Expressway usage during the Obon period [Tohoku region version]

August 17, 2011
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Tohoku Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Tohoku Regional Head Office (Aoba Ward, Sendai City) is a Tohoku Expressway managed by the Company during the Obon period [7 days from Wednesday, August 10, 2011 to Tuesday, August 16, 2011] We will inform you about the usage status of.

During this period, the weather was blessed and many customers used the Expressway after returning to Shinbon after the Great East Japan Earthquake. As a result, traffic congestion exceeded the traffic congestion forecast on the Expressway during the Obon season announced on July 15.

In addition, the average traffic volume on the seven cross sections of the Tohoku region's main line was approximately 124% (approximately 45,400 vehicles/day) year-on-year for all vehicles. By vehicle type, small vehicles (light vehicles, ordinary vehicles) were approximately 118% of the previous year (approximately 38,600 vehicles/day), and large vehicles (medium-sized vehicles, large vehicles, oversized vehicles) were approximately 183% of the previous year ( Approximately 6,800 units/day).

1 Number of units used

Attachments-1, 2 [PDF: 990KB]

  • The total number of interchanges used (the number of cars that have passed through exit toll gates, etc.) will be about 3.5 million units for a cumulative period, and the number of units used per day will be about 500,000 units (small cars: about 420,000, large cars: about). 80,000 units), about 110% of the previous year (h22: about 450,000 units/day)
  • Approximately 64% of the approximately 420,000 small vehicles and approximately 98% of the approximately 80,000 large vehicles used the free Expressway measures.
  • The number of passengers in Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima prefectures increased significantly from the previous year (Iwate prefecture: about 146%, Miyagi prefecture: about 146%, Fukushima prefecture: about 143%).

2 congestion

Attachments-3 and 4 [PDF:990KB]

  • 10km or more of the traffic jam in the main line In-bound direction 20 times, Out-bound occurs direction 18 times for a total of 38 times, compared to the previous year increased by 19 times (h22: In-bound direction 12 times, Out-bound direction seven times in the previous year)
  • The maximum congestion length was about 61km around 11:00 on Saturday, August 13 in the vicinity of the Adachi Tara service area (Otama Village, Adachi-gun, Fukushima Prefecture) on the Tohoku Expressway (Out-bound line).
  • The total traffic volume (Note 1) on the main line was 4,391 km/h, which was approximately 376% of the previous year's level (h22: 1,168 kmh).

3 ETC usage status

Attachment-5 [PDF: 990KB]

  • ETC usage rate was approximately 27%, a decrease of approximately 46 points from the previous year (h22: approximately 73%)

1 Total traffic volume・・・Congestion extension (km) × congestion time (h)/2
2 The cross-sectional traffic volume for each prefecture is as shown in the reference material. [Reference Material 1] [PDF: 990KB]

Comparison period

Image of comparison period


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