About the improvement effect of "Taipei Shiratashidai IC-Tomiya JCT (extension 6.6km)" on the Sendaibu Sendai-Hokubu Road (preliminary report)

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  • About the improvement effect of "Taipei Shiratashidai IC-Tomiya JCT (extension 6.6km)" on the Sendaibu Sendai-Hokubu Road (preliminary report)

May 10, 2010
Sendai River National Highway Office, Tohoku Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
East Japan Expressway Tohoku Regional Head Office Sendai Construction Office

We will inform you about the maintenance effect immediately after the opening of "Rifu Shirakashidai IC-Tomiya JCT (extension 6.6km)" opened on March 27, 2010 as follows.

Sendai-Hokubu Road traffic around the road is decreasing.

  • The traffic volume between Rifu Shirakashidai IC and Tomiya JCT, one month after opening, 6,200 units/day is.
  • In the surrounding roads, there is a lot of traffic of large vehicles before the opening of the Sendai-Hokubu Road (Main) Shiogama Yoshioka Line Then, after opening, 1,100 units/day (19%) decrease Did. In addition, due to the transfer of traffic to the Sendaibu Sendai-Hokubu Road, Route 4 Sendai Bypass Traffic volume 1,500 units/day (3%) decrease Did.

There is an increase in traffic on the Sendai-Hokubu Road during Golden Week.

  • During the GW period, the traffic volume between Rifu Shirakashidai IC and Tomiya JCT is 8,400 units/day is.
  • During the GW period, the traffic volume between Rifu JCT and Rifu Shirasashidai IC is 7,300 units/day And, compared to the previous year, 4,700 units/day (181%) increase doing.

The full Rifu JCT (Tomiya direction ⇔ Ishinomaki direction) is expected to be completed in October 2010. Until then, please note that the Sen-Taipei Sendai-Hokubu Road and the Sanriku Expressway towards Ishinomaki cannot be used. Furthermore, we will make further efforts toward business progress toward the early opening of Tomiya JCT-National Route 4 (Tomiya-cho Tomiya).

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