About drop of joint material of Tohoku Expressway box culvert

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  • About drop of joint material of Tohoku Expressway box culvert

June 10, 2008
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Tohoku Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Tohoku Regional Head Office (Regional Head Office, Aoba-ku, Sendai City, Chief: Mikio Kashima) Tohoku Expressway box culvert drops the concrete joint material on the ceiling. And was found on the road in the box. There were no injuries or road damage due to this.

In response to this event, we are conducting an emergency inspection at all about 3,200 box culverts that intersect as roads within the Tohoku Regional Head Office.

1 Date and time of report

At 18:40 on June 5 (Thursday), we asked our customer center to check the site, and as a result, we confirmed that the box culvert joint material had fallen and we collected it.

After that, we conducted an emergency inspection of the box culvert and confirmed its safety.

2 Occurrence location

Tohoku Expressway Box Culvert Hanamaki 86 (Opening date: November 19, 1977)
(Intersection with the prefectural road Fudo Morioka Line between Shiwa Interchange and Morioka Minami Interchange)
Place name: Minamiyaburo 1 Yachimachi, Shiwa-gun, Iwate Prefecture

3 Falling objects

Joint material...
About 60cm × about 30cm × 2.3cm Weight about 3kg (fall height 4.5m)
(Mixed asphalt with wood or other fibrous material into a plate)

4 Cause of fall

Currently under investigation

5 Inspection history of the relevant part

Visual inspection May 30, 2008

6 Response status

An emergency inspection is underway at approximately 3,200 box culverts that intersect as roads within the Tohoku Regional Head Office.

For box culverts, regular inspections are carried out in April and May every year, and for box culverts, which had been confirmed to have gaps in joint materials in this year's inspection, the joint materials were removed by June 8. Was carried out.

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