[E8] Hokuriku Expressway Joetsu IC Nighttime Closure Notice

October 1st (Tue) to October 18th (Fri) 9pm to 6am

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  • [E8] Hokuriku Expressway Joetsu IC Nighttime Closure Notice

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September 3, 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Niigata Regional Head Office
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Takada River and National Highway Office

NEXCO EAST Niigata Regional Head Office (Chuo-ku, Niigata City) and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Takada River and National Highway Office (Minami-Shinmachi, Joetsu City) will be implementing night-time closures at the E8 Hokuriku Expressway Joetsu Interchange (hereinafter referred to as "Joetsu IC") and National Highway 18 Joshin Bypass (hereinafter referred to as "National Highway 18") due to pavement repair work.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and ask for your understanding and cooperation in allowing yourself plenty of time when traveling and using nearby interchanges, etc.

1. Closures and restrictions: locations and dates

  1. Closures and restrictions
    • ①Hokuriku Expressway Out-bound Joetsu IC Exit Closure (※1)
    • ②Hokuriku Expressway Joetsu IC Exit for Naoetsu closed (※1)
    • ③Hokuriku Expressway Joetsu IC Exit for Nagano closed (※1)
    • ④Hokuriku Expressway Joetsu IC Exit to Nagano closed (※2)
    • ⑤National Route 18 In-bound) Joetsu IC entrance closed (※2)
    • ⑥National Route 18 (In-bound) Second lane restriction (※2)

    For ② through ⑥, it may not be possible to directly discharge the water in the desired direction, but it is possible to redirect the water in the desired direction using a detour.

    1. For inquiries regarding ①, ②, and ③, please contact Expressway Inquiries Center.
    2. For inquiries regarding ④, ⑤ and ⑥, please contact the [Contact Information for National Highways].
    3. Regarding the closure of ①, the start and end dates will be announced on NEXCO EAST 's official Twitter and LINE.
  2. (Location map)

    Image of the location map of closures and restrictions

    Click here for the currently announced regulatory information associated with the renovation work

    Please check the latest Expressway information when you go out.

  3. Date and time
    • (1) Hokuriku Expressway Out-bound Line Joetsu IC exit closure 4 nights in total (Expressway construction)
      Date: October 1 (Tue) ~ 4 (Fri) in Reiwa 6
      21 p.m. ~ 6 a.m. each day excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays
    • (2) Hokuriku Expressway Joetsu IC Naoetsu direction exit closure 3 nights in total (Expressway construction)
      Date: October 7 (Mon) ~ 9 (Wed) in Reiwa 6
      21 p.m. ~ 6 a.m. each day excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays
    • (3) Hokuriku Expressway Joetsu IC Nagano direction exit closure 2 nights in total (Expressway construction)
      Date: October 10 (Thu) ~ 11 (Fri) in Reiwa 6
      21 p.m. ~ 6 a.m. each day excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays
    • ④Hokuriku Expressway Joetsu IC Exit closure for Nagano direction 2 nights in total (national highway construction)
      Date: October 15th (Tue) - 16th (Wed), 2024
      Every day from 9pm to 6am the following morning, excluding weekends and holidays
    • ⑤National Route 18 In-bound) Joetsu IC entrance closed for one night (national route construction)
      Date: Thursday, October 17, 2024
      Every day from 9pm to 6am the following morning, excluding weekends and holidays
    • ⑥ National Route 18 In-bound) 2nd lane restriction, total 1 night (national highway construction)
      Date: Friday, October 18, 2024
      Every day from 9pm to 6am the following morning, excluding weekends and holidays
    • Backup dates: Monday, October 21, 2024 to Friday, November 8, 2024
      Every day from 9pm to 6am the following morning, excluding weekends and holidays
Image of date and time
  • As for ⑥, there is no road closure, so you can use both National Route 18 and Joetsu IC.
  • In the event of bad weather, the event will be postponed to the next day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays).
  • In the case of postponement to the next day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays),
    Construction order: ① (4 nights) ⇒ ② (3 nights) ⇒ ③ (2 nights) ⇒ ④ (2 nights) ⇒ ⑤ (1 night) ⇒ ⑥ (1 night)
    There are no changes.
  • The decision to proceed with construction will be announced on X (formerly Twitter), etc.

(Example of postponement in case of bad weather: If the event is canceled from October 1st to 3rd)

(Example of postponement due to bad weather: If the event is canceled from October 1st to 3rd)

2. Detour

①Hokuriku Expressway Out-bound Joetsu IC Exit Closed

  • Toyama from Joetsu IC Customers using
    In front Nakatsuyahama IC Please get off at National Route 8 Please use it.
  • Nagano area from Joetsu IC Customers using
    In front Joetsu Takada IC Please get off at Prefectural Route 85 and National Route 18 Please use it.

Detours will increase the time required, so please take time to go out.

①Hokuriku Expressway Out-bound Joetsu IC Exit Closure Detour Route Image
Image of Nakatsuyahama IC

Reference: Travel time from Nakatsuyahama IC to Joetsu IC

Nakatsuyahama IC → Joetsu IC
Expressway use About 11 minutes
Route 8
About 25 minutes
Image of Joetsu Takada IC

Reference: Travel time from Joetsu Takada IC to Joetsu IC

Joetsu Takada IC → Joetsu IC
Expressway use About 9 minutes
Route 18
About 16 minutes

Hokuriku Expressway Joetsu IC Exit towards Naoetsu closed

  • Joetsu IC from National Route 18 (towards Naoetsu) Customers using
    From the toll booth National Route 18 (towards Nagano) After leaking to National Route 18, Tera IC Please make a U-turn and head towards Naoetsu.

Detours will increase the time required, so please take time to go out.

②Image of detour route for exit closure at Joetsu Interchange on Hokuriku Expressway heading towards Naoetsu

Hokuriku Expressway Joetsu IC Nagano bound exit closed

  • Joetsu IC from National Route 18 (towards Nagano) Customers using
    From the toll booth National Route 18 (Toyama/Nagaoka direction) After leaking to National Route 18, Mita IC Please make a U-turn and head towards Nagano.

Detours will increase the time required, so please take time to go out.

③④Image of detour route for exit closure for Nagano-bound Joetsu IC on the Hokuriku Expressway Expressway

⑤National Route 18 In-bound) Joetsu IC entrance closed

  • National In-bound 18 (Towards Naoetsu) from Joetsu IC Customers using
    After passing through the Joetsu IC entrance on National In-bound 18, National Route 18, Tera IC Please make a U-turn and enter from the Joetsu IC entrance on Out-bound lane.

Detours will increase the time required, so please take time to go out.

⑤Image of In-bound route for Joetsu IC entrance closure on National Route 18 (outbound)

3. Construction overview

Hokuriku Expressway Out-bound The damaged road surface will be repaired at the Joetsu IC exit ramp.
In order to minimize inconvenience to our customers, we will close the road during periods of low traffic volume and carry out the work in an intensive and efficient manner. We ask for your understanding and cooperation as this work is necessary for the safe and comfortable use of Expressway.

Photo 1 of the damaged road surface
damaged road surface
Photo 2 of the damaged road surface
damaged road surface

Four. How to obtain traffic information

(1) Guidance by distribution / posting

  • Notice signs, posters and leaflets will be posted at toll booths and rest facilities nearby.

(2) Road traffic information that can be obtained before going out

  • NEXCO東日本お客さまセンター(24時間365日オペレーターが対応)
  • NEXCO EAST Expressway Traffic Information Site "DraTra"
    Real-time information
    Construction regulation information
  • 日本道路交通情報センター(JARTIC)
    全国共通ダイヤル 050-3369-6666
    (携帯電話短縮ダイヤル #8011
    全国・関東甲信越情報 050-3369-6600
    新潟情報 050-3369-6615

    新潟地方高速情報 050-3369-6765
  • LINE official account "NEXCO EAST"
    We inform you about the traffic closure situation in NEXCO EAST jurisdiction.
    [Search] Search by "NEXCO EAST"
    [ID] @e-nexco
    [Friend registration 2D code]
    Friend registration LINE two-dimensional code image link (external link)
  • Information is also distributed through the official X (formerly Twitter) account.
    "NEXCO EAST (Niigata)" (@e_nexco_niigata)
    "Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Takada River and National Highway Office" (@mlit_takada)

(3) Road traffic information available while using the Expressway

  • Road information board
  • Highway radio (AM1620kHz)
    The section where the highway radio is broadcasting is indicated by the sign on Expressway.
  • Highway Information Terminal
    Wide-area road traffic information is notified on the monitor screen installed in SA / PA.
  • VICS
    Road traffic information can be obtained from devices such as VICS-compatible car navigation systems.
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