【E18】上信越自動車道 妙高高原ICで陸上自衛隊との

Date and time: 2024, 9:30-11:30

  • Corporate Top
  • Press Room
  • Press Release Niigata office
  • [E18] Disaster cooperation training with the Japan Ground Self-Defense Forces will be conducted at the Myoko-Kogen IC on Joshin-Etsu Expressway

PDF version 【PDF: 602KB】

東日本高速道路株式会社 新潟支社

Reference: A scene from training conducted at Echigo Kawaguchi SA on Kan-Etsu Expressway in July 2021

Photo of the vehicle being driven after road bump repair training
Testing driving after road bump repair training
Photo of the mutual coordination meeting between the Japan Ground Self-Defense Forces and NEXCO EAST
Coordination Meeting between the Japan Ground Self-Defense Forces and NEXCO EAST

 NEXCO東日本 新潟支社(新潟市中央区)と陸上自衛隊高田駐屯地第2普通科連隊(新潟県上越市)は、令和6年8月6日(火)に、大雨による土砂崩れを想定した災害時連携訓練を、E18上信越自動車道(上信越道) 妙高高原みょうこうこうげんインターチェンジ(IC)の敷地内で実施します。

Training outline

Date and time

2024 9:30-11:30

  • Rain or shine (canceled in case of stormy weather)
  • The above times are training times within the Myoko Kogen IC premises.


Joshinetsu Expressway Myoko Kogen IC (within the premises) (Myoko City, Niigata Prefecture)

  • On the day of the training, Myoko Kogen IC will be open as usual.



Participating institution

Japan Ground Self-Defense Force 2nd Infantry Regiment, NEXCO EAST Niigata Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Group has positioned the period from 2021 to 2025 as a period for contributing to the achievement of the SDGs and transforming toward a new future society, and is undertaking a variety of initiatives.
We believe that this "Disaster Cooperation Training with the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force" will contribute to SDGs goals 9, 11, 13, and 17 as a business activity that leads to strengthening resilience and adaptive capacity against natural disasters.

Image image of the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS logo and the 9th, 11th, 13th, and 17th logos of the SDGs target
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