We carry out autumn national traffic safety campaign

-Aiming to achieve "zero traffic fatal accidents", we will continue this year at 6 locations including SA and PA on Expressway

September 14, 2017
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Niigata office

NEXCO EAST Niigata Branch (Chuo-ku, Niigata City) has a Expressway interchange (IC) and service area (SA) within the prefecture during the national traffic safety campaign from September 21 (Thu) to 30 (Sat) in autumn. ), and at six locations in the parking area (PA), a traffic safety campaign will be conducted jointly with the Niigata Prefectural Police Headquarters Transportation Department Expressway Traffic Police Corps.

In this campaign, we will call on customers to collaborate with relevant organizations to focus on "prevention of traffic accidents for elderly drivers" and "ensure proper wearing of seat belts and child seats on all seats", and to eliminate traffic accidents "zero". I will aim.

Implementation date and timeImplementation locationImplementation contentManagement office in charge
And phone number
Event participation
9/21 (Thursday)
Kan-Etsu Expressway
Tanigawadake PA (Out-bound)
・Distribution of leaflets, etc.湯沢管理事務所
Image image of Manatee
9/21 (Thursday)
10:00 to 11:00
Hokuriku Expressway
Itoigawa [entrance]
・Traffic safety education by highway lady
・Distribution of leaflets, etc.
9/25 (Monday)
Hokuriku Expressway
Nitani Tanihama SA (Out-bound)
・Traffic safety education by highway lady
・Distribution of leaflets, etc.
Image image of lizard
9/25 (Monday)
10:00 to 11:00
Hokuriku Expressway
Yoneyama SA (In-bound)
・Traffic safety education by highway lady
・Distribution of leaflets, etc.
Image image of Manatee
9/27 (Wednesday)
10:30 ~ 11:30
Hokuriku Expressway
Kurosaki PA (Out-bound)
・Traffic safety education by highway lady
・Distribution of leaflets, etc.
Image image of Manatee
9/28 (Thursday)
10:00 to 11:00
Kan-Etsu Expressway
Yuzawa IC [entrance]
・Distribution of leaflets, etc.湯沢管理事務所
Image image of Manatee
  • In case of stormy weather, the schedule or content of implementation may change.
  • NEXCO EAST Original character (Kigurumi) participates in the event.
  • The state of the past campaign Attachment 1 [PDF: 262KB] It is as follows.

Participating institution
Niigata Prefectural Police Headquarters Transportation Department Expressway Traffic Police Corps
Niigata Expressway Traffic Safety Council
NEXCO EAST Niigata Branch

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