Results of winter tire installation rate survey (first)

~Please wear winter tires to prevent traffic accidents on snowy roads~

November 27, 2014
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Niigata Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Niigata Regional Head Office (Chuo Ward, Niigata City) has a rest facility in its jurisdiction with the aim of encouraging early winter tire replacement and enlightening safe driving on snowy roads as the winter begins. We will survey the installation situation of winter tires in and announce the results.

We will conduct surveys regularly until the winter tire installation rate improves and we will inform you of the results.

1 How to conduct a winter tire installation status survey

[Survey date]
1st November 25th (Tuesday)/26th (Wednesday), 2nd December 1st (Monday) to 3rd (Wednesday),
3rd December 8th (Mon)-10th (Wed), 4th December 15th (Mon)-17th (Wed)

  • The survey date is subject to change without notice due to weather conditions.

[Survey method]
The surveyor visually confirms the tire type of the vehicle parked in the service area (SA) parking area (PA) of the surveyed area (each survey confirms about 50 vehicles)

  • The number of vehicles surveyed may change depending on how the parking lot is used.

[Survey location]
Tanigawadake PA (Kan-Etsu Expressway), Kurosaki PA (Hokuriku Expressway), Yoneyama SA (Hokuriku Expressway), Myoko SA (Joshinetsu Expressway)

  • All Out-bound lines

【Investigation result】
It will be announced on Thursday of each survey week.

  • The survey results are subject to change without notice due to reasons such as changes in the survey date.

2 Survey results

  • Results of the first survey (number of surveys: 219)
    The average percentage of winter tires installed was approximately 58.4%, with large vehicles being high (approximately 75.5%) and small vehicles being low (approximately 53.0%).
Survey location First survey
RouteName of facilityVertical lineSurvey dateClassificationWinter tire installation rateNumber of surveys
Kan-Etsu Expressway Tanigawadake PA Out-bound line 11/25 (Tue)Small car56.5%46
Large car50.0%16
Hokuriku Expressway Kurosaki PA Out-bound line 11/25 (Tue)Small car46.7%45
Large car60.0%5
Hokuriku Expressway Yoneyama SA Out-bound line Wednesday, November 26Small car61.0%41
Large car85.7%14
Joshin-Etsu Expressway Myoko SA Out-bound line Wednesday, November 26Small car47.1%34
Large car94.4%18
totalSmall car53.0%166
Large car75.5%53

3 Results of questionnaire survey on winter tire replacement period

  • We conducted a questionnaire survey on the winter tire replacement period for event visitors that were held in Niigata Furusato Village on November 23rd (Sun) and 24th (Mon), and found that "Exchange in early December The most frequently answered result was. Please replace the tires as soon as possible to prevent traffic accidents on snowy roads.
Image of the results of a questionnaire survey on the replacement timing of winter tires

Request from NEXCO East Niigata Regional Head Office

  • Please put on early winter tires before snowfall.
    On Expressway prefecture, we observe the first snow on November 15 and carry out snow removal work, so please replace it with early winter tires.
  • Please drive slowly and safely when driving on snowy roads.
    On snowy roads, even with winter tires, the same speed and handling as in other seasons is extremely dangerous. Please drive slowly and safely without using the "fast steering", "quick acceleration", "quick braking", and other operations with "sudden" while keeping the inter-vehicle distance sufficiently low.
  • "Frequent information gathering before and after going out"
    Due to the sudden change of weather on the winter Expressway it may be snowing at the destination or the passing point even if the departure place is sunny, so please wear winter tires and carry a tire chain. Also, check the road information and weather information frequently before going out or in the service area.
    NEXCO EAST Information Site" DraPla "Provides information such as traffic jam prediction and winter Expressway courses.
    Also, "Drive Traffic (DraTra)" The Expressway offers information of the weather (snow-covered road) forecasts and road conditions (snow-covered road live camera).
Image of Dr. Mammoshi

NEXCO EAST in the winter of Expressway in order to use the safe, secure and comfortable, educational activities and traffic safety campaign in SA · PA · IC, HP "DraPla in." "Dr. Mammoshi's Winter Expressway Course" We are actively disseminating information.