Congestion forecast on Expressway during the Obon period [Metropolitan area version]

Beware of traffic jams on both the northbound and southbound lanes during the three-day weekend! Traffic jams of up to 45km are predicted
- Please cooperate in spreading out use of public transport by referring to traffic congestion forecasts -

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  • Congestion forecast on Expressway during the Obon period [Metropolitan area version]

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July 12, 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Kanto Regional Head Office
Central Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Tokyo Regional Head Office
Central Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Hachioji Regional Head Office

We are pleased to announce that the Kanto Regional Head Office East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. (NEXCO EAST) and the Tokyo Regional Head Office and Hachioji Regional Head Office of Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited (NEXCO CENTRAL) have compiled a congestion forecast (traffic congestion of 10 km or more) for Expressway in the Kanto-Koshin region and Shizuoka Prefecture during the Obon period [for 11 days from Thursday, August 8th to Sunday, August 18th, 2024].
This traffic congestion forecast is based on past traffic congestion records and recent traffic conditions, but may differ from the actual traffic conditions due to traffic disruptions such as accidents and weather conditions. Please check the latest traffic information before departing. Please note that holiday discounts will not be applied from August 10th (Saturday) to August 18th (Sunday).

1. 1. Congestion forecast

◆Overview of traffic congestion prediction

  • This year's Obon holiday will have a three-day weekend followed by Obon on the days of the week that make it more likely for traffic jams to occur in the first half of the holiday. It is predicted that traffic jams will be most likely to occur on the outbound side Out-bound 8/9 (Fri) to 8/12 (Mon), with In-bound on 8/10 (Sat), and on the inbound side from 8/12 (Mon) to 8/14 (Wed), with the peak on 8/12 (Mon).
  • Last year's Obon holiday was affected by bad weather, which led to people refraining from going out, so the number of traffic jams of 10km or more this year is expected to increase by 88 times compared to last year.

(1) Prediction of traffic congestion over 10km (number of times per day)

Congestion prediction for 10 km or more (number of times per day) Out-bound image
Image of traffic jam prediction for 10 km or more (number of times per day) In-bound direction
Legend image image

(2) Prediction of especially long traffic jams (35 km or more)


Image of prediction for particularly long traffic jams (35 km or more)

(3) Comparison with last year (number of traffic jams)

A comparison of the number of traffic jams with 2020 (last year) is as follows. Please note that the 2020 results include traffic jams caused by accidents and other causes.

■Comparison with 2020

The unit of the numerical value in the table is "times"

Traffic jam scale ①Forecast for 2020 *1 ② Reiwa 5 results *2 Difference (①-②)
going down going up Total going down going up Total going down going up Total
Number of traffic jams over 10km 109 171 280 72 120 192 37 51 88
Number of traffic jams of 30 km or more 8 8 16 5 7 12 3 1 4
  1. The forecast for 2024 was compiled for the 11 days from Thursday, August 8, 2024 to Sunday, August 18, 2024.
  2. The results for 2023 were compiled over an 11-day period from Thursday, August 10, 2023 to Sunday, August 20, 2023.

2. Useful driving information


3. To our customers


Four. For customers planning to use Haneda Airport


Five. Holiday discounts are not applied during the Obon period.

To avoid increased traffic congestion, holiday discounts will not be applied during this period. Please see below for details.

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