Damage in the Iruma River diversion channel

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April 27, 3rd year of Reiwa
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Kanto Regional Head Office

Damage to the Irima River diversion channel (administrator: Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Construction) confirmed in February 1991 near the construction site of the Tokyo Outer Ring Road (Kanetsu-Tomei) main tunnel (southbound) So far, we have cooperated with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to carry out surveys and monitor the condition inside the tunnel, and have been investigating the cause.
Regarding the damage in the Iruma River diversion channel that was confirmed within the range where the influence of the shield tunnel construction is expected (the same range as the house preliminary survey), compensation for the damage to the house due to the influence of the shield tunnel construction Similarly, we will bear the cost, so we would like to inform you.
We sincerely apologize for the great concern and inconvenience caused to the local residents, the community and all concerned.
Please see the attached sheet [PDF: 1.5MB] for the results of surveys and repairs in the Iruma River diversion channel.

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