[E6] Joban Expressway "Misato Tollgate Smart Interchange" 2020 April 24 (Fri) 15:00 "Large vehicles are also available"

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  • [E6] Joban Expressway "Misato Tollgate Smart Interchange" 2020 April 24 (Fri) 15:00 "Large vehicles are also available"

March 24, 2020
Misato City
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Tanihara Management Office

Misato City and NEXCO EAST Taniwahara Management Office (Tsukuba Mirai City, Ibaraki Prefecture) have been promoting maintenance. E6 Joban Expressway Misato Toll Gate Smart Interchange (hereinafter referred to as "Smart IC") will not be used at 15:00 on April 24 (Fri), 2020 and all vehicle models equipped with ETC on-board equipment will be available. ,It will be announced.

1 Operation date

2020 April 24 (Friday) 15:00

2 Operation location

Joban Expressway Misato Toll Gate Smart IC
Location: Inside the Otari moat, Misato City, Saitama Prefecture
(Connect to the main line between Joban Expressway Misato JCT and Nagareyama IC)

3 operating hours


4 Usage form

Temporarily stop type half IC type (all vehicles can be used at the entrance and exit in the direction of Mito)

5 Target vehicles

All models equipped with ETC in-vehicle device

6 Location map

Image of position map

 Geographic map Based on
NEXCO EAST processes

7 Expected maintenance effect

  • [1] Promotion of logistics efficiency
    The access time to the Expressway for large vehicles towards Mito will be shortened.
  • [2] Advanced land use
    Promote business attraction and industrial revitalization.

8 How to use smart IC

  • Smart IC ETC only This is IC.
  • To use it, insert an ETC card into the ETC on-board unit and pass.
  • Be sure to stop before the opening / closing bar of the smart IC.
  • If the open / close bar does not open, please inform the staff.
Image of how to use smart IC

9 Price list between major ICs

[1] ETC normal charge

(Unit: Yen)

ETC regular charge Nagareyama IC Kashiwa IC Taniwahara IC Yatabe IC
Misato toll booth
Smart ic
Medium-sized car 240 420 750 1,180
Large car 270 520 960 1,560
Oversized car 330 750 1,500 2,500
Distance (km) 1.9 6.6 14.9 26.1

[2] ETC midnight discount rate ≪0:00 to 4:00 30% discount≫

(Unit: Yen)

ETC midnight discount Nagareyama IC Kashiwa IC Taniwahara IC Yatabe IC
Misato toll booth
Smart ic
Medium-sized car 170 290 530 830
Large car 190 360 670 1,090
Oversized car 230 530 1,050 1,750
Distance (km) 1.9 6.6 14.9 26.1
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