Kanto Regional Head Office road control center About the error of providing the road information 《Incorrect provision of the Tokai earthquake caution information》

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  • Kanto Regional Head Office road control center About the error of providing the road information 《Incorrect provision of the Tokai earthquake caution information》

March 30, 2016
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Kanto Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Kanto Regional Head Office (Omiya Ward, Saitama city) mistakenly stated on the road information board and VICS (text information) in the Kanto Regional Head Office after Tuesday, March 29, 2016 at 5 pm, "Tokai earthquake caution information announcement We apologize for the inconvenience caused to many people, including those who pass by.

1 Event

In this event, during the test adjustment work at the Iwatsuki Road Control Center, incorrect information during the test was provided to the road information boards. In addition, the wrong information was provided on the road information board from 5:05 to 16:11 pm, and on VICS from 5:55 to 51:46 pm.

2 Future action

The cause this time is that the device under test and the device in operation were accidentally connected. In the future, we will make every effort to prevent such an event from occurring again, such as by physically separating these devices and performing the work.

3 Contractor

Toshiba Corporation

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