On Saturday, October 31, the Ken-O Road in Saitama Prefecture is fully open!

Further flowering by connecting from Tomei Expressway to Tohoku Expressway
We are pleased to inform you of the stock effect of Ken-O Road.

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  • Press Room
  • Press Release Kanto Regional Head Office
  • On Saturday, October 31, the Ken-O Road in Saitama Prefecture is fully open!

* Stock effect: An effect that can be continuously obtained in the medium to long term by the functioning of the developed social capital.

October 16, 2015

October 31, 2015 (Saturday) Between Ken-O Road Okegawa Kitamoto IC and Shiraoka Iris IC open

Image image of the opening of the Okagawa Kitamoto IC-Shiraoka Iris IC between the Ken-O Road O Expressway on Saturday, October 31, 2015

1 Avoid traffic jams in the city center and head to your destination

  • Since the Kan-Etsu Expressway is connected from the Tomei Expressway, many cars use the Ken-O Road Expressway, which can avoid traffic congestion in the city center and shorten the time
  • In the future, Tohoku Expressway by leading up to, Ken-O Road expected to further use of.

2 Mt. Fuji and the Pacific Ocean are nearby

  • By connecting the Tomei Expressway and the Kan-Etsu Expressway Expressway, the number of cars visiting the Gunma/Saitama area to the Mt. Fuji/Hakone area increased by about 50%.
  • If Ken-O Road is connected to the East Kanto Expressway in the future, Expressway will connect tourist destinations that attract tourists to Japan such as Narita Airport and World Heritage Sites near the Tokyo metropolitan area, and further promotion of inbound tourism is expected.

3 Businesses that support daily life are located one after another

  • Ken-O Road, private investment is concentrated, such as the location of logistics bases and factories, etc.
  • Companies located along the Ken-O Road support people's livelihoods by utilizing the convenience of transportation, which enables them to move over a wide area without going through the city center, to quickly and cheaply and reliably transport products and materials needed for daily life.

4 Avoiding traffic congestion on the Ken-O Road

  • Even if there is a traffic block at Expressway in the radial direction such as Tomei Expressway, by using Ken-O Road as a detour to avoid traffic congestion on general roads

5 Convenient and safe life

  • Greatly improved traffic environment on general roads around the Ken-O Road Expressway
    ・The number of large vehicles has decreased from the roads used for loopholes
    ・Improved punctuality of route buses due to reduced traffic volume in the morning and evening

Reference-1 Development of 3 ring roads in the metropolitan area

  • In recent years, many sections of the Tokyo metropolitan area 3 ring road have opened
    ・Greatly improved Ken-O Road
    Maintenance rate: Approx. 40% (end of H24) ⇒ Approx. 79% (planned for end of October 2015)
    ・Central loop line is fully opened in March 2015

Reference-2 Changes in traffic congestion on Expressway

  • Approximately 50% reduction in traffic congestion loss time in central Tokyo due to the opening of all central loop lines (H25 → H27)
  • Congestion loss time around the city center is reduced by about 20% (H25 → H27)
  • Congestion loss time in the suburbs remains almost unchanged (H25→H27)

Reference-3 Changes in average speed on Expressway

  • Due to the opening of the central loop line, the speed in the city center will increase by about 10% (H25→H27)
  • Speed around the city center increased by about 3% (H25 → H27)
  • Suburban speed almost unchanged (H25→H27)

Reference-4 Changes in average speed on general roads

  • Between Kan-etsu ~ Tomei Ken-O Road opened (H26.6), the whole line opening of the central annular line (H27.3), the general road near opening section, speed is increased
    ⇒Take time from Ikebukuro (Kumano-cho intersection) to Shinagawa (Kita-Shinagawa intersection) of Loop Line 6 is reduced by 20 minutes (61 minutes → 41 minutes)

Reference-5 Changes in traffic volume on the Ken-Ken-O Road

  • Traffic volume increases with the development of the Ken-O Road
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