By snow removal, snow removal work Ken-O Road for lane restrictions of

~Congestion due to traffic concentration is expected~

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  • By snow removal, snow removal work Ken-O Road for lane restrictions of

February 19, 2014
As of 21:00
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Kanto Regional Head Office

Due to the influence of heavy snow, lane restrictions are being implemented for snow removal and snow removal work on some sections of the Ken-o Expressway, and provisional operation with one lane on each side is being implemented. When traveling on the road, please follow the road safety instructions and drive safely.

Also, traffic congestion is expected to occur in the morning and evening hours when traffic is heavy. When using the Expressway, please make sure you have enough time to go.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but we appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we are working diligently to release the lane regulation early.

Image of Ken-O Road Hinode IC-Ome IC

Ken-O Road Hinode IC-Ome IC

1 Provisional operation section

Road name section direction Provisional operational status Remarks
Self Solstice
Ken-o Expressway Iruma IC Akiruno IC Inside/outside One lane on each side

Location map

Image of position map

2 Notes on traffic in the above sections

  1. Normally, we operate two lanes on each side with one lane on each side.
  2. Since speed limits are enforced, please follow the local speed limits when riding.

3 Temporary operation image

Normally 2 lanes on each side

【Normal time】

[Normal time] image

[Temporary operation] (one lane on each side)

[Preliminary operation] (1 lane on each side) image