Snow is forecast today in the Kanto region on Tuesday, February 4th

~Be prepared for snowy roads~

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  • Snow is forecast today in the Kanto region on Tuesday, February 4th

February 4, 2014
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Kanto Regional Head Office

Due to the approach of cold waves and low pressure, snowfall is forecast in the entire Kanto region from noon on Tuesday, February 4, 2014.

NEXCO East Japan, Please attach winter tires When you go out, Be careful of snowy roads Thank you.

We would like to ask the members of the media to cooperate with us.

About the use of Expressway

  1. Before going out Latest traffic information Please confirm. Such as congestion and important regulations Expressway road traffic information, NEXCO EAST road traffic information site "DraTra guide you in".
  2. Please do not perform "quick start", "quick handle" and "quick brake" operations on snowy roads as they are dangerous.
  3. In the unlikely event that a trouble such as a breakdown occurs on the main line, it is installed every 1 km to prevent secondary accidents. emergency phone Please contact the Road Control Center at. Also, from a mobile phone, Road emergency dial (#9910) Please contact the Road Control Center at.

Request for wearing winter tires

During heavy snowfall in the Tokyo metropolitan area on Monday, January 14, last year, traffic jams and accidents occurred at many points on the Expressway within the Kanto Regional Head Office.

In the Tokyo metropolitan area, sudden "snowfall" and "freezing" cause congestion on both Expressway and general roads, and traffic accidents tend to occur frequently. If you expect snowfall, please refrain from using unnecessary and urgent cars.

Driving with "normal tires" on snowy roads is extremely dangerous. If you are using a car, please install winter tires. (If you do not have winter tires, be sure to carry a tire chain.)