Notice of Tohoku Expressway Yaita North PA Closure

Out-bound line: from 00:00 on Sunday, November 4 to 24:00 on Saturday, November 10.
In-bound: From 02:00 on Monday, November 12 to 24:00 on Sunday, November 18
~PA will be closed to repair the pavement of ramps and parking lots~

  • Corporate Top
  • Press Room
  • Press Release Kanto Regional Head Office
  • Notice of Tohoku Expressway Yaita North PA Closure

October 18, 2012
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Nasu Management Office

NEXCO EAST Nasu Management Office (Nasu Town, Tochigi Prefecture) Tohoku Expressway (Tohoku Expressway) Yaita Kita Parking Area (PA) (upper and lower lines), connecting passageway (lamp) and parking lot The Yaita Kita PA will be closed in order to repair the pavement damaged at.

During construction, you will not be able to enter or exit Yaita Kita PA, and you will not be able to park, so please use the nearby service area (SA)/PA during the closure period.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but we ask for your understanding and cooperation in order to use the Expressway safely and comfortably.

1 Closed place and date

(1) Closed place
Tohoku Expressway Yaita North PA (upper and lower lines)

Image of closed area

(2) Closing date
 Yaitakita PA (Out-bound line towards Sendai)
7 days from 00:00 on Sunday, November 4, 2012 to 24:00 on Saturday, November 10
(Preparatory day: Sunday, November 25, 2012, 0 am to December 1, Saturday, 24:00)
 Yaitakita PA (In-bound line to Tokyo)
7 days from 02:00 on Monday, November 12, 2012 to 24:00 on Sunday, November 18
(Preliminary day: Monday, December 3, 2012 00:00 to Sunday, December 9 24:00)

Image of closing date

  • If construction is completed early, we may cancel the closure earlier than planned.
  • In case of stormy weather, each day may be postponed.
    In the case of stormy weather, the decision to implement the closure will be made at 17:00 the day before the closure starts (Out-bound: November 3 and In-bound: November 11).

 当日の実施判断など、お出かけ前の情報につきましてはNEXCO東日本お客さまセンター (TEL:0570-024-024)、日本道路交通情報センター(TEL:050-3369-6666)などから ご確認いただけます。(別紙-1【PDF:122KB】

2 Adjacent rest facility

Please use the adjacent SA/PA when Yaitakita PA is closed. (Attachment-2 [PDF:386KB]) Tohoku Expressway Kamikochi SA (about 17km from Yaitakita PA) Tohoku Expressway Kuroiso PA (about 18km from Yaitakita PA)

3 Outline of construction

The pavement of the Yaitakita PA has been repaired every time it was damaged so as not to inconvenience customers, but after more than 30 years have passed since the opening of the paving Pavement repair was required.

Therefore, the Yaitakita PA (upper and lower lines) will be closed, and repair work will be intensively and efficiently carried out on the communication passages and parking lots. At the same time, we will make the passages barrier-free and install additional parking spaces (small and large vehicles).

  • Sales facilities (shops)
    The sales facility is currently undergoing renovation work and will be operating at a temporary store until the opening of next spring. We apologize for the inconvenience and ask for your understanding and cooperation.

Main work contents

We will repair damage to the pavement and improve running performance and safety.

Image image of the contents of the main construction

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