Misato JCT National Road No. 298 and Gaikan Expressway closed at night

-We will expand the width of the Misato JCT to reduce traffic congestion-

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  • Press Release Kanto Regional Head Office
  • Misato JCT National Road No. 298 and Gaikan Expressway closed at night

December 20, 2011
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Kanto Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Kanto Regional Head Office (Taito-ku, Tokyo) will carry out night traffic closures due to the bridge construction work for the widening of Misato Junction (JCT).

 当日の実施判断など、お出かけ前の情報入手につきましては、NEXCO東日本 お客さまセンター (TEL:0570-024-024)、日本道路交通情報センター(TEL:050-3369-6666)などから確認いただけます。

We apologize for the inconvenience, but we kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation so that you may have time when you go out.

1 Night closed section and date and time

(1) Section

  1. National highway No. 298 Misato IC entrance (west) intersection-Nakagawa sewage treatment center (west) intersection (extension 1.0km)
  2. Outer Ring Road Outer Ring Misato West IC-Misato South IC (extension 5.3km)
Image of construction location map
Construction location map

(2) Date and time

  1. National highway No. 298 closed: Tuesday, February 7, 2012 from 21:00 to 5:00 the next morning (8 hours)
  2. Outer Ring Road closed: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 from 21:00 to 5:00 the next morning (8 hours)
Image of date and time
  • In case of stormy weather, both roads will be postponed at the same time on the next day.
  • In case of stormy weather, the decision to stop at night will be made at 14:00 on the day of implementation.

2 Detour

Route 298 Misato IC entrance (west) intersection to Nakagawa sewage treatment center (west) intersection (1.0km) usually takes about 1 minute, but if you use a detour route, it will take about 10 to 20 minutes depending on the route. It will be the time required, so please take time to go out. For detailed detour routes, Attachment 1 [PDF:377KB] Please refer to.

The Gaikan Expressway outer ring Misato west IC to Misato south IC (5.3km) usually takes about 3 minutes, but the outer ring Misato west IC disembarks. Later, if you use Route 298, it will take about 5 minutes. Gaikan Expressway For customers using the capital Expressway (capital expressway)/ Joban Expressway (Joban Expressway) from Kawaguchi, after getting off the outer ring Misato West IC , Misato (Joban Expressway, Shutoko entrance) must be used.

No charge adjustment will be made. Detail is Attachment 2 [PDF:337KB] Please refer to.

3 Construction overview

We are carrying out construction work to widen the bridge in order to add lanes to alleviate the congestion at Misato JCT. Along with the construction work, we will be constructing National Highway No. 298 and the outer ring road one night each using a large crane.

The details of the construction outline Attachment 3 [PDF: 351KB] Please refer to.

4 How to obtain traffic information

(1) Information on traffic closures

  • We will post and distribute posters and leaflets in related municipalities, police, fire departments and service areas (SA), parking areas (PA), etc.
  • We will inform you through newspaper advertisements and radio commercials.
  • A banner will be posted on the overpass of National Route 298.
  • お問い合わせは、NEXCO東日本お客さまセンターへお願いします。
    ナビダイヤル 0570-024-024 (24時間対応)
    (PHS,IP電話のお客さま 03-5338-7524

(2) Traffic information that can be obtained before going out

(3) Traffic information on the outer ring road that can be obtained while using the Expressway

  • Road information board
  • Highway radio (1620kHz)
    The highway radio section is indicated by signs on the Expressway.
  • VICS
    It can be obtained from VICS-compatible car navigation systems.
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