Tohoku Expressway Hasuda Smart IC will open next February 4,

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  • Tohoku Expressway Hasuda Smart IC will open next February 4,

December 9, 2011
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Kanto Regional Head Office
Hasuda Smart IC District Council, Hasuda City

NEXCO EAST Kanto Regional Head Office (Taito-ku, Tokyo) and Hasuda City have been working on maintenance. Tohoku Expressway Hasuda Smart Interchange (IC) is February 4, 2012. We are pleased to inform you that it has been decided to open on Saturday (Saturday).

This smart IC is limited to the entrance to Tokyo (In-bound line) and the exit from Tokyo (Out-bound), and can be used by ordinary vehicles, light vehicles, and motorcycles with a vehicle length of 6 m or less equipped with ETC onboard equipment. I will.

1 Operation start date and time

Saturday, February 4, 2012, 15:00

2 Installation location

Tohoku Expressway Hasuda Service Area
Location: Between Iwatsuki IC and Kuki IC (about 7.6km from Iwatsuki IC to Kuki IC)
Location: Saitama Prefecture, Hasuda City

3 Available vehicles

Regular vehicles, light vehicles, and motorcycles with a vehicle length of 6 m or less equipped with ETC onboard equipment

4 Usage form

  • Limited to the entrance to Tokyo (In-bound)
  • Only for exits (Out-bound) from Tokyo
  • You cannot go to the Utsunomiya area using this smart IC. In addition, you cannot use this smart IC from the Utsunomiya area.

5 available hours


6 Location map

Image of position map

7 Expected main maintenance effects

  1. Strengthen access to the city center
    Since Hasuda SA is located approximately in the middle of Iwatsuki IC and Kuki IC (about 7.6 km from Iwatsuki IC and about 7.4 km from Kuki IC), the opening of Hasuda Smart IC is expected to shorten the travel time to the city center. I will.
  2. Improvement of convenience for local residents
    It is expected that the Expressway will become more familiar for commuting, attending school, leisure, etc., and that the convenience of local residents will increase.
  3. Revitalization of the local economy by visitors from the city center
    By shortening the travel time between Hasuda City and the city center, it is expected that the number of visitors from the city center will increase and contribute to the revitalization of the local economy.

8 Notes on using Hasuda Smart IC (Notes)

  • Vehicles without ETC OBE cannot be used.
  • Oversized vehicles, large vehicles, medium-sized vehicles, and ordinary vehicles over 6 m in length cannot be used.
  • This is a temporary stop type ETC IC, so be sure to stop it before the gate.
  • You cannot use the Hasuda SA rest facility (excluding gas stations) from the Hasuda Smart IC entrance (In-bound line).
  • After using the Hasuda SA Out-bound, you cannot use the smart IC (Out-bound line) exit.

○ Please refer to the figure below for access to smart ICs and general roads.

Image of smart IC and general road access