Ken-o Expressway (if Zhu detached central contact automobile) (Ken-O Road (Ken Odo)) Kawashima (Kawashima) IC ~ Okegawa Kitamoto (Okegawa Kitamoto) IC
We will inform you of the traffic situation and maintenance effect one year after opening.

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  • Ken-O Road Kawashima IC ~ Okegawa Kitamoto will inform the development effect with the traffic situation after the IC opened one year.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Kanto Regional Development Bureau Omiya National Highway Office
East Japan Expressway Kanto Regional Head Office Office Saitama Construction Office

Was opened to traffic in March 2010 28 (Sunday) Ken-O Road for extended 5.7km of up to Kawashima IC ~ Okegawa Kitamoto IC, that it has compiled the development effect with the traffic situation after the opening one year, it will be announced.

Traffic situation

  • It was opened in March 2010 28 days Ken-O Road average traffic volume of one year after the opening of between Kawashima IC ~ Okegawa Kitamoto IC is, Approximately 7,200 units/day, steadily increasing doing.
  • Traffic volume of Ken-O Road one year after opening compared to before opening About 45% increase between Tsurugashima JCT and Sakado IC, about 9% increase between Central Tsurugashima IC and Tsurugashima JCT doing.
  • Since the first opening of the Ken-O Road in March 1996, due to the sequential development The traffic volume on the Ken-O Road is increasing year by year, increasing by about 3.5 times.

Maintenance effect

  • Ken-O Road is steadily advancing the new factory location in the area along the Saitama section.
  • The transportation of blood products for blood transfusion using Okegawa Kitamoto IC has occurred approximately 1,000 times within one year since opening, and 9 times of emergency transportation has occurred., Ken-O Road O Expressway is useful for saving lives.
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