About the arrest of illegal passers-by who broke through the toll booth
NEXCO EAST will continue to firmly respond to illegal traffic

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  • NEXCO EAST will continue to resolutely respond to illegal traffic on the arrest of illegal traffic passing through the toll booth

September 11, 2007
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Kanto Regional Head Office

Higashi-Kanto Expressway Announced that an illegal passer-by who forcibly broke through without paying a toll at the Sakura toll gate was arrested by the Chiba Prefectural Police yesterday (September 10) on the charge of violating the Road Maintenance Special Measures Act. Was from Chiba Prefectural Police.

Road-related 4 Public corporation privatization The toll booth was violated due to the revision of the Road Maintenance Special Measures Law on October 1, 2005, violating the traffic method established by the Expressway company (authorized by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism). Criminal penalties will be imposed on drivers of cars and other vehicles that have

This arrest was triggered by a report from the Company to the Chiba Prefectural Police Expressway Traffic Police Corps, as the suspect had repeatedly pushed through the toll booth, and the revised law was applied, leading to the arrest.

We believe that the arrest of a suspect who has committed malicious malicious traffic will ensure fairness in the payment of charges and prevent unauthorized traffic. In addition, our company has always responded with the attitude of "no unauthorized traffic" so as not to damage customers' trust in the toll road business, and we will continue to take a resolute attitude toward unauthorized traffic in the future. , Will actively cooperate with police investigations and tackle illegal traffic.

In addition, for illegal tolls by the suspect, a surcharge (twice the amount exempted) will be added to the illegally exempted toll, and the amount charged will be three times the illegally exempted toll.