Ken-O Road O Expressway Ami-higashi IC → Tsukuba JCT How to obtain road traffic information regarding road closures
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- Press Release Kanto Regional Head Office
- Ken-O Road O Expressway Ami-higashi IC → Tsukuba JCT How to obtain road traffic information regarding road closures
May 14, 2007
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Kanto Regional Head Office
・1 Closed road information
・Post banners, banners, etc. on the main line.
・Posters and leaflets will be posted and distributed on each SA/PA.
・Press release materials will be posted on our website.
・2 Road traffic information that can be obtained before going out
・ Expressway traffic information
- NEXCO EAST Customer Center (operated by a 24-hour operator)
Navi dial 0570-024-024 * - PHS・IP電話のお客さまのお問い合わせは03-5338-7524にて承ります。
- ハイウェイテレホン(5分毎に最新情報を24時間提供)
水戸ハイウェイテレホン 029-254-1620 - ハイウェイFAX(5分毎に最新情報を24時間提供)
ナビダイヤル 0570-00-1625※ - Connect to the nearest highway FAX relay station from anywhere in the country (excluding Hokkaido and Okinawa) (not available from mobile communications such as car phones and mobile phones).
全国・関東情報 03-3264-1331
茨城情報 029-301-0022
全国統一番号 0570-01-1011※
- Connect to the nearest information center from anywhere in Japan.
・3 Road traffic information available while driving
- Variable road information board
- Highway radio (AM1620khz)
- VICS (You can get road traffic information with a VICS-compatible car navigation system.)