Dorawari "HOKKAIDO LOVE! Michitoku Free Pass B Period"
On sale from 2pm on Thursday, September 5th

~Due to popular demand, the start date has been brought forward! Use begins on Tuesday, October 1st~

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  • Press Release Hokkaido office
  • Dorawari "HOKKAIDO LOVE! Michitoku Free Pass B Period" will be on sale from 2pm on Thursday, September 5th

PDF version 【PDF: 784KB】

Image of Dorawari logo

September 5, 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office


 NEXCO東日本北海道支社(札幌市厚別区)は、ドラ割「HOKKAIDO LOVE! 道トクふりーぱす B期間」(略称・道トク)の令和6年10月~令和7年3月利用開始分を、本日14時から販売開始します。
 なお、令和6年12月6日(金)までは、ドラ割「HOKKAIDO LOVE! 道トクふりーぱす A期間」(北海道内すべての高速道路が乗り降り自由・対象期間 令和6年4月1日(月)~令和6年12月6日(金))をご利用いただくことができます。あわせてご検討ください。

Product Summary

1. What is Dorawari "HOKKAIDO LOVE! Michitoku Free Pass" (B Period)?


2. Target period

October 1, 2020 (Tuesday) - April 2, 2020 (Wednesday)

  • The final start date for use is Monday, March 31. Please note that applications will not be accepted after Tuesday, April 1.
  • Excluding Thursday, December 26th, 2024 to Sunday, January 5th, 2025.

3. Target area/sales price


Image of target area

Sales price (same for all three plans: "North Hokkaido", "East Hokkaido", and "South Hokkaido")

2 days 3 days
Standard-sized car 6,100 yen 7,100 yen
Light vehicles, etc. 4,900 yen 5,700 yen

Four. How to apply

Applications will be accepted from 2 p.m. today, Thursday, September 5th. Please apply through "DraPla" before you start using the service. Applications can be made on the same day, as long as you apply before driving on Expressway.

Initiatives for regional development

NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office is conducting various initiatives to contribute to the revitalization of Hokkaido's tourism and economy through "Dotoku".

1. Stimulate tourism and consumption in areas along railway lines with advantageous usage privileges

With the cooperation of businesses in various parts of Hokkaido, we have prepared special benefits for users who want to stop by after getting off Expressway.

Privilege 1
Services such as day-trip bathing discounts at facilities on each route of Scenic Byway Hokkaido
Privilege 2
Special plans are available at eligible accommodations and surrounding facilities in Hokkaido
Privilege 3
Services such as discounts at commercial facilities in Hokkaido including outlets
Privilege 4
Services such as novelty gifts at eligible car rental companies
Privilege 5
Services such as boarding at discounted prices on ferries in service outside of Hokkaido, target pleasure boats, and remote island route ferries
Privilege 6
Local detour privilege that you can receive nice service at restaurants in Hokkaido

2. Win a catalog gift by lottery! Questionnaire gift

If you answer a questionnaire after using "Dotoku" during the B period, 40 people will be entered into a lottery to win a "Hokkaido Seven Star Gift," a catalog gift containing Hokkaido specialty products worth 4,000 yen.
This is your chance to enjoy Hokkaido gourmet food, nurtured by the region's magnificent nature, in the comfort of your own home, along with memories of your trip.

3. Even more fun in collaboration with the Hokkaido Smartphone Stamp Rally 2024!

The Hokkaido Smartphone Stamp Rally 2024 is being held until March 20, 2025.
We are also offering a "Dorawari" prize that can only be applied for by those who use "Dotoku" and collect three SA/PA stamps on Hokkaido's Expressway in the "Hokkaido Smartphone Stamp Rally 2024."
For details, please check the dedicated page below.

4. Let's go on an exciting trip to Hokkaido. "Hokkaido Driving Guide"

With the aim of promoting driving tourism in Hokkaido, we have published the "Hokkaido Driving Guide" and are distributing it free of charge at SA/PA, roadside stations, New Chitose Airport, and other locations throughout Hokkaido. The "Hokkaido Driving Guide" is a compact information booklet that contains useful information for driving, such as restaurants and tourist facilities throughout Hokkaido, and emergency procedures on Expressway. A web version is also available that can be viewed for free on PCs and smartphones. By showing a screen of the magazine or the web version, you can receive special benefits such as discounts at the facilities featured in the guide.
Please make use of the Hokkaido Driving Guide, which is packed with information to make your everyday drives even more enjoyable.

Five. Requests to businesses

 ドラ割と連携した観光関連サービスをご検討いただける事業者様がいらっしゃいましたら、NEXCO東日本北海道支社 料金企画課(代表 Tel.011-896-5211)までご連絡ください。

Precautions for use

1. Precautions for use

  1. Hokkaido's Expressway in winter can be closed due to sudden changes in the weather and snowfall. We cannot accept cancellations or refunds after you have started using this product, so please check the weather and traffic information carefully before setting off. Cancellation is possible if you do so before driving on Expressway.
  2. If you drive beyond the target section of the plan you are applying for, you will be charged the normal fare in addition to the fare for this product for driving outside the target section. Please check the target section of the plan you are applying for.
  3. If you apply for multiple plans at the same time, you will be charged for the multiple plans if you drive within the covered section of each plan even once. Please be careful when applying for multiple plans.
  4. Even if the toll toll during the period of use is less than the Michitoku toll, the difference will not be refunded. Depending on the distance and time of use, it may be cheaper to use ETC discount than to use Michitoku, so please consider carefully before applying.

2. Request for safe driving in winter

  1. Road conditions may change suddenly due to temperature differences between day and night, snowfall, etc. Please drive safely according to the weather and road conditions, and equip your vehicle with winter equipment such as winter tires as soon as possible.
  2. When changing to winter tires, it becomes easier for tires to come off the road. Please check that the nuts are not loose, and refill the air pressure in the replaced tires to prevent accidents where the tires come off the road and tire bursts.
  3. On snowy roads, you lose control of your car with a few driving mistakes. Please refrain from "sudden" operations such as "sudden steering wheel", "sudden acceleration", and "sudden braking", and try to drive carefully.
  4. In order to avoid being caught in an unexpected blizzard or drifting snow, it is important to gather information not only on the day of your trip, but several days in advance. Check the weather and traffic information in advance with "DraTra".
Image image of Scenic Byway Hokkaido logo

"Scenic Byway" is a combination of the adjective Scenic of landscape and scene, and Byway that means side road and twist road.

This initiative aims to create beautiful scenery, vibrant communities, and attractive tourist spaces through collaboration between local communities and governments, using the roads as a starting point. Each route is carrying out activities unique to the area, such as planting flowers and cleaning the roads, developing recommended scenic spots in the area, and disseminating information about them. There are currently 14 designated routes and 3 candidate routes, with approximately 500 groups working on them. NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office is also participating in this initiative.
For more information, please see the Scenic Byway Hokkaido website.

Image of the HOKKAIDO LOVE! logo

NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office is a collaborative project between Hokkaido and the Hokkaido Tourism Promotion Organization, with the aim of supporting the tourism industry in various parts of Hokkaido and recovering tourism demand, which has been hit hard by Large of the new coronavirus infection. We are participating in a certain "HOKKAIDO LOVE! Project".

As a collaboration between "NEXCO EAST NEXCO!" Based on the philosophy of this project, we will make efforts to boost tourism in our beloved Hokkaido.

NEXCO EAST Group positions the period from 2021 to 2025 as "a period in which we will contribute to the achievement of the SDGs and transform towards a new future society," and we are undertaking various initiatives.
We believe that the sale of ``HOKKAIDO LOVE! Michitoku Free Pass'' will contribute to SDGs 8 and 17 as a business activity that promotes sustainable tourism and revitalizes local communities.

Image of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS logo and SDGs target 8th and 17th logos
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