Expressway traffic conditions during Golden Week (flash report)
[Hokkaido version]

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  • Expressway traffic conditions during Golden Week (flash report) [Hokkaido version]

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May 8, 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office (Atsubetsu-ku, Sapporo City) has compiled traffic conditions in Hokkaido during the Golden Week period [Friday, April 26, 2024 to Monday, May 6, 2024: 11 days], and would like to inform you of this.

  • 平均日交通量は、昨年の同時期と比べ102%でした。
  • 1km以上の渋滞回数は8回となり、昨年の同時期と比べ▲6回でした。
  • 10km以上の渋滞回数は4回となり、昨年の同時期と比べ+1回でした。
  • 最大の渋滞長は、5月5日(日)17時55分、E38道東道 トマムインターチェンジ(IC)→むかわ穂別IC(上り・札幌方面)で、交通集中が原因で発生した13.9kmでした。

1. 1. Comparison period

① Reiwa 6
[Friday, April 26, 2024 to Monday, May 6, 2024: 11 days]
② Reiwa 5
[Thursday, April 27, 2023 to Sunday, May 7, 2023: 11 days]

2. Average daily traffic volume *1

① Results for 2024 ② Results for 2023 Comparison ① / ②
17,400 units / day 17,000 units/day 102%


For details, please see the attached document [PDF: 142KB]

3. 3. Congestion situation

① Results for 2024 ② Results for 2023 Comparison ①-②
Over 1km of traffic 8 times 14 times ▲ 6 times
Congestion of 10 km or more 4 times 3 times +1 time

Especially long traffic congestion (Worst 5)


IC: Interchange, JCT: Junction, TN: Tunnel

[Reiwa 6]

Ranking Congestion length Date and time Section (abbreviated IC) ※2 First ※2 Factor
1 13.9km May 5th (Sunday)
E38 Tomamu Doto Expressway → Mukawa Hobetsu
(In-bound, towards Sapporo)
Near Hobetsu TN Traffic concentration
2 13.0km May 3 (Friday)
E5 Hokkaido Expressway Oyachi → Eniwa
(In-bound for Tomakomai)
Shimamatsugawa River, near Shimamatsugawa Bridge Traffic concentration
2 13.0km May 3 (Friday)
E38 Tomamu Doto Expressway → Mukawa Hobetsu
(In-bound, towards Sapporo)
Near Hobetsu TN Traffic concentration
4 10.0km May 3 (Friday)
E38 Doto Expressway Oiwake-cho → Mukawa Hobetsu
(Out-bound /Obihiro area)
Near Kaede TN Traffic concentration
5 4.7km May 3 (Friday)
E5A Sasson Expressway Sapporo North→Kanrai
(Out-bound /Sapporo JCT direction)
Near Fushiko IC Traffic concentration

[Reiwa 5th year]

Ranking Congestion length Date and time Section (abbreviated IC) ※2 First ※2 Factor
1 26.5km Wednesday, May 3
E38 Doto Expressway Oiwake-cho → Mukawa Hobetsu
(Out-bound /Obihiro area)
Near Kaede TN Concentration of traffic after road closures are lifted
2 19.4km Wednesday, May 3
E38 Doto Expressway Oiwake-cho → Yubari
(Out-bound /Obihiro area)
Near Yubari IC Terminal closed to traffic due to accident
3 11.3km Friday, May 5
E38 Doto Expressway Shimukappu →Mukawa Hobetsu
(In-bound /Sapporo area)
Near Hobetsu TN Traffic concentration
4 8.0km Wednesday, May 3
E38 Doto Expressway Shimukappu →Mukawa Hobetsu
(In-bound /Sapporo area)
Nagawa Osawa TN area Traffic concentration
5 7.0km Wednesday, May 3
E5A Sasson Expressway Shinkawa→Kanrai
(Out-bound /Sapporo JCT direction)
Near Fushiko IC Traffic concentration
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