Expressway traffic conditions during Golden Week (preliminary report) [national version]

Friday, April 26, 2024 to Monday, May 6, 2024: 11 days
*The comparison period is from Thursday, April 27, 2023 to Sunday, May 7, 2023: 11 days.

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  • Expressway traffic conditions during Golden Week (preliminary report) [national version]

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May 8, 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Central Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
West Japan Expressway Co., Ltd.
Honshu-Expressway Company Limited

  • The average daily traffic volume during the Golden Week period was 41,500 vehicles, 101% compared to the same period last year.
  • 10km以上の渋滞回数は297回で、昨年の同時期(298回)と比べ1回減少しました。

1. Traffic volume

Main sections of Expressway nationwide (40 representative sections)

Results for 2024 (①) Results for 2023 (②) Comparison ① / ②
Average daily traffic (all cars) 41,500 units/day 41,100 units / day 101%
(Small car) (Large car) 34,800 6,700 34,300 6,800 101% 99%
Maximum daily traffic 55,000 units/day 58,800 units/day 94%

2. Congestion situation

Number of traffic jams (Number of traffic jams over 10km includes traffic count over 30km)

Results for 2024 (①) Results for 2023 (②)
Traffic congestion of 10 km or more 297 times 298 times
Traffic congestion of 30 km or more 19 times 20 times
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