Traffic conditions on Expressway during the Golden Week period (preliminary report) [national version]

Period: 2019, April 26 (Friday) -2019 May 6 (Monday); 11 days
Comparison target: April 27, 2018 (Friday) to May 7, 2018 (Monday); 11 days

  • Corporate Top
  • Press Room
  • Press Release Headquarters
  • Traffic conditions on Expressway during the Golden Week period (preliminary report) [national version]

May 7, 2019
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Central Japan Expressway Co., Ltd.
West Japan Expressway Co., Ltd.
Honshu-Shikoku Expressway Co., Ltd.

1 Traffic situation

(Related materials pages 2-4 [PDF: 964KB])

  • 17% increase in traffic volume during the period compared to last year
  • Compared to last year, the number of traffic jams over 10km increased by 225 times. The number of traffic jams over 30km increased by 26 times.

(1) Traffic volume
Main sections of Expressway Pages 3-4 [PDF: 964KB] (Simple average of 40 sections in total)

H31 (R1) year results ([1]) FY2011 results ([2]) Contrast [1] / [2]
Average daily traffic volume 50,100 units / day 42,900 units / day 117%
Maximum daily traffic 60,000 units / day 55,800 units / day 108%

(2) Congestion situation
Number of traffic jams (The number of traffic jams over 10km includes the number of traffic jams over 30km)

H31 (R1) year results ([1]) FY2011 results ([2]) Contrast [1] / [2]
Traffic congestion of 10 km or more 553 times 328 times +225 times
Traffic congestion of 30 km or more 51 times 25 times +26 times

[Particularly long traffic jam location (1st worst by top and bottom of each company)]

Company classification Vertical line Road name Traffic jam location Traffic jam date and time (peak) Congestion extension Cause of traffic jam
East Japan Out-bound line E4 Tohoku Expressway Near Hanyu PA Sunday, April 28, around 7:10 40.6km Accident and traffic concentration
Monday, April 29th, around 9:20 Traffic concentration and accident
May 2 (Thursday) around 8:45 Accident and traffic concentration
In-bound line E4 Tohoku Expressway Near Kuki IC May 2 (Thursday) around 18:10 49.7 km Traffic concentration and accident
Central Japan Out-bound line E20 Chuo Expressway Near Uenohara IC May 2 (Thursday) around 8:15 49.5km Traffic concentration and accident
In-bound line E1 Tomei Expressway Near Hadano Nakai IC Saturday, May 4, around 17:50 43.8km Accident and traffic concentration
Western Japan
・ Honshi
Out-bound line E1 Meishin Expressway Near Old Yamashina BS Monday, April 29th, around 18:10 41.6km Traffic concentration and accident
In-bound line E1 Meishin Expressway Near Kusatsu JCT Around 7:45 on Friday, May 3 39.7km Traffic concentration and accident

2 topics

(Related materials pages 5-7 [PDF: 626KB])
For traffic conditions by region, please see the materials published by each road company.

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