Summary of 2015 financial results

June 6, 2016
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.

We would like to inform you about the outline of the financial results for the 11th fiscal year of NEXCO EAST (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016.

This year will be one year from April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016.

[Points for 2015 financial results (consolidated)]
  1. Expressway business, operating revenue was ¥ 1,100.5 billion (down ¥ 20.6 billion from the previous fiscal year) due to factors such as a decrease in completed road assets despite an increase in toll revenue.
    On the other hand, operating expenses were ¥ 997.2 billion (down ¥ 29.6 billion from the previous fiscal year) due to a decrease in the cost of completing road assets and a decrease in costs for snow and ice due to mild winter snow.
    As a result, the Expressway business posted operating income of 13.3 billion yen (compared to operating income of 4.3 billion yen in the previous year).
  2. Due to the impact of the Expressway business, all business operating income and net income attributable to parent company shareholders increased year on year.


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