The transfer of highway cards to ETC will end on January 27, 2013, and the refund of highway cards will end on March 31, 2016

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  • The transfer of highway cards to ETC will end on January 27, 2013, and the refund of highway cards will end on March 31, 2016

September 24, 2012
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Central Japan Expressway Co., Ltd.
West Japan Expressway Co., Ltd.
Shuto Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hanshin Expressway Co., Ltd.
Honshu-Shikoku Expressway Co., Ltd.

East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. and other Expressway 6 companies have been distributing and refunding the remaining number of highway cards to ETC, but as of January 27, 2013, they will be distributed to ETC. We would like to inform you that we will unify the refund of the remaining highway card and end the refund on March 31, 2016.

If you have a highway card, please complete the procedure as soon as possible.

1 Highway card replacement end: Sunday, January 27, 2013

Relocation of the remaining number of highway cards to ETC is the fee when the remaining number of highway cards is transferred to the prepayment (balance) of the "Hiker/prepayment" balance management service and the Expressway is passed by ETC. It can be used for payment.

Those who wish to redeem will be redeemed with an amount including the premium (the amount added to the selling price) of the remaining number of highway cards, so please use the "Hiker/prepayment" balance management service Please register and apply by the above end date (effective postmark on the day).

2 Completion of refund of highway card: Thursday, March 31, 2016

If you have a highway card and wish to refund the remaining balance (transfer to your financial institution account), please make the refund procedure as soon as possible.

As with the past, the remaining highway card will be refunded excluding the premium amount.

Applications for reassignment or refund can be made at the mail reception desk, where you can complete the procedure without burdening the customer. Please use the special envelopes (payee payment) required for mailing, as they are provided at the toll booth, service area, parking area information, etc.

[Contact information (customers only)]
Inquiries regarding the end of ETC transfer and highway card refund

  • NEXCO東日本 お客さまセンター
  • NEXCO中日本 お客さまセンター
  • NEXCO西日本 お客さまセンター
  • 首都高速道路(株) 回数券・ハイカ相談室
  • 阪神高速道路(株) お客さまセンター
  • JB本四高速 お客さま窓口

Inquiries about "Hiker/prepayment" balance management service

  • ETCプラザ TEL045-477-1151(9:00~18:00(年中無休))


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