Awarded for outstanding paper at ITS World Congress
-" Expressway control system reflecting a large-scale earthquake"-
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- Awarded for outstanding paper at ITS World Congress
November 4, 2010
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
We would like to inform you that NEXCO EAST (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) announced at the 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010 that "Expressway control system reflecting a large-scale earthquake" was awarded as an excellent paper. ..
1. Summary of the paper
NEXCO EAST reflects the experience of large earthquakes in the past at Regional Head Office in Tohoku, so that Expressway can be used by customers 24 hours a day in a safe, secure, comfortable and convenient manner. , The road control system was rebuilt.
In the conventional road control system, each system (information board, weather, traffic volume measurement, highway radio) was individually managed, but by integrated management, it is possible to quickly understand the situation and operate the equipment even in the event of a disaster. We can now respond.
In addition, we have constructed a system with various ideas, such as preventing the entire system function from going down even if a failure occurs, by using multiple routes for each control system and transmission route system.
These things were highly evaluated at the ITS World Congress.
System with road control system NEXCO EAST Facility Control Room (Tohoku Regional Head Office Office).
The facility control room uses a road control system to measure, monitor, and control the operating status of various facilities on roads and tunnels for 24 hours.
2. Outline of ITS World Congress
The ITS World Conference is a world conference jointly held annually by ITS groups representing the three regions of the world (Europe: ERTICO, Asia/Pacific: ITS Japan, North America: ITS America), and research and commercialization of ITS. The purpose is to promote.
The 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010 was held in Busan, South Korea from Monday, October 25, 2010 to Friday, October 29, 2010.
NEXCO EAST 's paper on "Expressway control system reflecting a large-scale earthquake" was awarded at the closing ceremony as one of four papers representing these 48 papers.