Countermeasures for traffic jams during the Obon season on Expressway

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  • Countermeasures for traffic jams during the Obon season on Expressway

June 30, 2009
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Road Bureau
(Germany) Japan Expressway Holding and Debt Repayment Organization
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Central Japan Expressway Co., Ltd.
West Japan Expressway Co., Ltd.
Honshu-Shikoku Expressway Co., Ltd.

Based on the congestion occurrence situation during Golden Week, we will work on strengthening countermeasures based on the following points, mainly in the Obon period, when a lot of congestion is expected to occur due to traffic congestion.


1 Strengthening measures on the Expressway main line

Detailed materials [PDF: 117KB]

  • Some places where new congestion (10km or more) occurred during Golden Week Including Saguchu-In-bound slope, around the tunnel portion, Strengthen measures to control speed reduction ((1) LED sign, (2) Increased tunnel illuminance, etc.) To do.

2 Strengthening measures such as rest facilities

Detailed materials [PDF: 18KB]

  • Opinions from logistics and bus operators Based on Secure parking space for large vehicles by strengthening guidance by parking lot organizers and installing rubber cones To do.
    Also especially Areas to be focused on (Tohoku Expressway, Tomei, Meishin, Sanyo Expressway, Kyushu Expressway, etc.) Notification to logistics and bus operators and customers in advance To do.
  • We will increase the number of temporary toilets where necessary and the number of mobile toilets in an emergency.

3 Tariff measures for traffic distribution

Detailed materials [PDF: 68KB]

  • In order to disperse traffic during the Obon period, we will introduce discounts based on the usage of Expressway such as passenger cars and logistics vehicles.
  1. Period when use of logistics vehicles decreases (8/13-16) Of passenger cars (less than ordinary cars) Large holiday special discount * Then apply and encourage distributed use.
    Also, considering the recent trend of traffic concentration in the last week, Last week (8/6-9) Even for passenger cars Large holiday special discount * Then apply and encourage distributed use.
    * Large application of holiday bus discounts.
  2. Before and after Large passenger car discounts To Expanded discounts to logistics companies (5% off all day) Then apply and encourage distributed use.

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