Disaster prevention training
Parking restrictions will be partially implemented at service areas in the Kanto region.

September 24 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Kanto Regional Head Office

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NEXCO EAST Kanto Regional Head Office (Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture) E17 Kan-Etsu Expressway (hereinafter "Kan-Etsu Expressway"), Takasaki Service Area (hereinafter "SA") (In-bound), E4 Tohoku Expressway (hereinafter "Tohoku Expressway") Hasuda SA (In-bound) and E6 At Moriya SA (In-bound) on Joban Expressway (hereinafter referred to as the "Joban Expressway"), some parking space restrictions will be in place in order to conduct a joint disaster prevention drill (hereinafter referred to as the "disaster prevention drill") in coordination with the 2024 Large-Scale Earthquake Medical Activities Training hosted by the Cabinet Office.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

1. Location and date

number Road name Implementation point period
E17Kan-Etsu Expressway Kosaka SA (In-bound line)


E4 Tohoku Expressway Hasuda SA (In-bound)
E6 Joban Expressway Moriya SA (In-bound)

2. Restrictions on parking space use


(1) Takasaki SA (In-bound)

Takasaki SA.png

(2) Hasuda SA (In-bound)

Hasuda SA2.png

(3) Moriya SA (In-bound)

Moriya SA.png

3. Disaster prevention training

Following the use of rest facilities on Expressway as assembly and relay points for the Self-Defense Forces, fire departments, and other related organizations during the Great East Japan Earthquake, NEXCO EAST has developed rest facilities equipped with functions that can be used by related organizations in the event of a disaster and operates them as disaster prevention bases. The Takasaki SA (In-bound), Hasuda SA (In-bound), and Moriya SA (In-bound), where the training will be held this time, have been developed as disaster prevention bases, and are also listed as potential land assembly points for the DMAT (Disaster Medical Assistance Team) in the "Plan for Specific Emergency Response Activities in the Event of an Earthquake Directly Beneath the Capital" established by the Central Disaster Prevention Council Executive Committee. By conducting joint training, the company will confirm how to operate the disaster prevention bases and strengthen cooperation with the DMAT.