[E18] We have released a video introducing the large-scale construction work on Joshin-Etsu Expressway!

August 26, 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Nagano Construction Office

On August 23rd, NEXCO EAST Nagano Construction Office (Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture) released a video introducing the large-scale construction work being carried out on the E18 Joshin-Etsu Expressway in Gunma and Nagano prefectures.
Please take a look!

1. Joshin-Etsu Expressway Kitanomaki Construction

Joshin-Etsu Expressway involves removing a 70m-high boulder located above the Kitanomaki Tunnel (Kitnomaki, Matsuida-cho, Annaka-shi, Gunma Prefecture) between the Matsuida-Myogi Interchange (hereinafter referred to as "IC") and the Usui-Karuizawa Interchange on the Joshinetsu Expressway, in order to eliminate the risk of future rockfalls.

2. Joshin-Etsu Expressway Yomogidai Construction

This work involves installing box culverts on the main Expressway and building a filling embankment on top of them as a landslide prevention measure on the long, heavy earth slope between Joshin-Etsu Expressway (Sakaki Town, Hanishina District, Nagano Prefecture).