Open house on the progress of ground repair work
Open house regarding the current status of collapse and cavity accidents and the status of shield tunnel construction
Results of 2024

June 3, 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Kanto Regional Head Office Tokyo Outer Ring Road Construction Office
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Kanto Regional Development Bureau Tokyo Outer Circular Highway Office
Central Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Tokyo Regional Head Office Office Tokyo Construction Office

We would like to offer our sincere apologies to residents for the inconvenience and anxiety caused by the ground surface collapse and cavity accident that occurred during construction of the Tokyo Outer Circular Road (Kanetsu to Tomei) in 2020, as well as the vibrations and noise during tunnel construction.

We recently held an open house for residents living near the site of ground repair work, where we used panels to explain the progress of the work.
In addition to the open house, we also provided a forum for the exchange of opinions between the target participants of the open house, Chofu city, and businesses.

In addition, an open house was held for residents of Chofu City, where they were given individual explanations using panels to learn about the current state of the sinkholes and cavities, the status of ground repair work being carried out around the sinkholes, and the progress of the Outer Ring Road project.

Open house overview

Open house on the progress of ground repair work

◆ Date and time:
(open house)
Number of visitors: 6
Number of visitors: 8
(Forum for exchanging opinions)
Number of visitors: 13
◆ Venue:
Chofu Municipal Takisaka Elementary School
(1-4-1 Higashi Tsutsujigaoka, Chofu City, Tokyo)

Open House Materials [PDF: 6.3MB]

Open house regarding the current state of the collapsed and hollowed areas and the status of shield tunnel construction

◆ Date and time:
21 visitors
◆ Venue:
Chofu Municipal Takisaka Elementary School
(1-4-1 Higashi Tsutsujigaoka, Chofu City, Tokyo)

Open House Materials [PDF: 17.7MB]

Opinions received at briefing sessions and emails, etc., and summary of responses

Summary of opinions received during the open house and opinion exchange forum regarding the status of ground repair work and responses thereto (as of August 9 2024) [PDF: 608KB]

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