The University of Electro-Communications and NEXCO EAST sign a comprehensive agreement on industry-academia collaboration

May 9, 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.

 国立大学法人電気通信大学(所在地:東京都調布市、学長 田野俊一)と、東日本高速道路株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長 由木文彦)は、未来につなげるサステナブルな高速道路の実現、SDGs達成の貢献や人材育成の強化など、多様な分野で相互に協力し、安全・安心で持続可能な地域社会の実現とデジタル人材の育成に向けた連携強化を図るため、令和6年4月26日(金)に『産学連携に係る包括協定』を締結しました。

Photo of the signing ceremony for a comprehensive agreement on industry-academia collaboration between the University of Electro-Communications and East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
(左)国立大学法人電気通信大学 学長 田野俊一
(右)東日本高速道路株式会社 代表取締役社長 由木文彦


The University of Electro-Communications has a strong track record in diverse and distinctive fields, including communications and IoT technology, AI technology, cybersecurity technology, robotics and measurement technology, and photonics and quantum technology. Through education, research, and social implementation through collaboration and cooperation among these fields, the university has set the goal of realizing a "co-creative evolution smart society," or Society 5.0, and becoming a "co-creative evolution smart university" itself, under the "UEC Vision: Beyond 2020."
Meanwhile, NEXCO EAST, whose social mission is to provide safe, secure, comfortable and convenient Expressway services, believes it must respond to major changes in the socio-economic situation both in Japan and overseas, such as frequent and severe natural disasters, the trend toward a decarbonized society, and advances in digital technology.
In order to respond to these changes, NEXCO EAST will utilize the advanced research and development capabilities of the University of Electro-Communications to promote industry-academia collaboration in a wide range of fields related to Expressway technology, and thereby conclude this comprehensive agreement with the aim of realizing a safe, secure, and sustainable society and cultivating digital talent.

Future efforts to strengthen collaboration

Joint research aimed at making effective use of cylindrical solar cell technology in Expressway spaces

Taking advantage of the advantages of cylindrical solar cells, such as light collection from all directions, light weight, wind resistance, snow resistance, etc., we plan to carry out demonstrations, data acquisition, and problem identification in areas with severe winter weather conditions as well as areas with normal climates. First, we will carry out the experiment in parks and toilets in service areas and parking areas, and in the roofs of electrical rooms.

Providing reskilling programs aimed at solving problems in Expressway projects

A reskilling program will be implemented that incorporates discussions between lecturers and participants, with the aim of sharing the knowledge of the University of Electro-Communications and the various data and on-site issues held by NEXCO EAST, and by integrating these two ideas to serve as a stepping stone to resolving issues.

As specific examples, the image processing course will cover the technical feasibility of linking it with machine learning to grasp and analyze road and traffic conditions with a high degree of accuracy, while the AI course will feature lectures and discussions on the business advantages and disadvantages brought about by AI and the perception gap that often arises between executives and developers.