
東日本高速道路株式会社 北海道支社




[Detour diagram]





(1) Internet

NEXCO East Japan Road Traffic Information Site "DraTra "https://www.drivetraffic.jp/

(2) SNS

Twitter official account "NEXCO East Japan (Hokkaido)" @e_nexco_kita

(3) Information by distribution / bulletin board

Post flyers and posters at nearby toll booths and rest facilities.

(4) Telephone

① NEXCO East Japan Customer Center (24-hour operator is available)

Navi Dial 0570-024-024 or 03-5308-2424

② Highway telephone (provides the latest information updated every 5 minutes 24 hours a day)

Sapporo Bureau 011-896-1620   Asahikawa Bureau 0166-54-1620

Muroran Bureau 0143-59-1620   Obihiro Bureau 0155-42-1620

(Mobile phone speed dial # 8162)

③ Japan Road Traffic Information Center (JARTIC) Road Traffic Information

Hokkaido Regional Highway Information 050-3369-6760 (Mobile Phone Speed Dial # 8011)

(5) Road traffic information that can be obtained while using the Expressway

① Road information board

② Highway radio (AM1620kHz)

The sections that broadcast highway radio are indicated by signs.


Road traffic information can be obtained with VICS-compatible car navigation systems and other on-board aircraft.