- 1月2日(土)~3日(日)
About new coronavirus infection of our group company employees
- Corporate Top
- Notice
- Important notice to customers
- About new coronavirus infection of our group company employees
- 1月4日(月)
勤務 帰宅後に発熱
- 1月5日(火)
Visit a medical institution on vacation and carry out a PCR test
- 1月6日(水)
- 1月7日(木)
As a result of the test, it was found to be "positive", and he was being treated at home according to the instructions of the health center.
2. Close contact
Close contacts are currently under investigation with confirmation from the health center.
3. 3. Our group's response
- Disinfection work such as offices was conducted under the guidance of the public health center.
- 当社グループでは、新型コロナウイルス感染症予防対策ガイドラインに則って、日頃より業務従事中のマスク着用、定期的な手洗い、うがい、手指の消毒等の実施を徹底するとともに、倦怠感を感じたら躊躇なく休暇を取得するなど、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止に向けて、関係機関との連携を図り、引き続き必要な措置を適切に講じてまいります。
- We ask for your understanding and consideration for respecting the human rights of the employee and his / her family and protecting personal information.
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