
令和3年1月 7日
東日本高速道路株式会社 東北支社

The latest regulatory information isDraTraPlease see.


 NEXCO東日本東北支社は、暫定2車線区間(片側1車線)の【E46】秋田自動車道 横手(よこて)インターチェンジ(IC)~大曲(おおまがり)IC間(上下線)において、除雪・排雪作業のため、下記のとおり緊急夜間通行止めを実施します。


1. Closed section

秋田自動車道 横手IC~大曲IC間(上下線)(別添資料-1

(Location map)


2.通行止め日時  令和3年1月7日(木) 22時~翌5時

3.迂回路   国道13号、大曲西道路 (別添資料-1

4.作業内容    安全に走行していただける道路環境を維持するための除雪作業を実施します。


5.通行止めに伴う乗継料金調整について (別添資料ー2

For passengers who leave the Expressway once due to a nighttime suspension and bypass the closed section and transfer again in the same direction, we will make a "transit adjustment" to adjust the toll according to the section used.

6. Information provision

" DraPla", a site full of useful information on Expressway nationwide


PC version ( https://www.driveplaza.com/ )

Mobile version ( http://m.driveplaza.com/ )

Smartphone version ( http://www.driveplaza.com/smp/ )

Expressway traffic information service "Drive Traffic (DraTra)"


It provides real-time road traffic information and traffic congestion prediction.


PC version ( https://www.drivetraffic.jp/ )

Mobile version (http://m.drivetraffic.jp/)

Smartphone version (http://www.drivetraffic.jp/smp/)

NEXCO East Japan Customer Center

The operator will be available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

【phone number】

0570-024-024 or 03-5308-2424

Highway telephone 

You can get real-time traffic information (updated for 5 minutes) by phone 24 hours a day.

【phone number】

Morioka Bureau 019-639-1620

(Mobile phone / PHS speed dial # 8162)

Japan Road Traffic Information Center (JARTIC)

【phone number】

Nationwide common dial 050-3369-6666 (mobile speed dial # 8011)

Iwate Information 050-3369-6603

Tohoku region highway information 050-3369-6676

Highway radio 

Highway radio (AM1620 kHz)

The section being broadcast is indicated by a sign on the Expressway


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