Ken-O Road-O Expressway/Akiruno IC to the Hachioji JCT (inside)
Notice of 10-hour night closure

January 8, 2015
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Kanto Regional Head Office

Ken-o Expressway (Ken-O Road) Akiruno Interchange (IC) to Hachioji Junction (JCT) will be closed at night, and the existing ventilation duct boards in the Hachioji Castle Ruins Tunnel (inner) will be replaced. . (Central Japan Expressway Construction)

On the day, traffic congestion is expected to begin at Akiruno IC, which is expected to take about 70 minutes to pass. Please also consider detouring from the front of the Iruma IC.

Closed date and timeFrom Tuesday, January 20, 2015 20:00 to next day 21st (Wednesday) 6 am
10 hours closed at night *In case of stormy weather, postponed to the next day
Closed sectionKen-O Road O Expressway Akiruno IC-Hachioji JCT (Inner Ring)
Construction content(1) Partial removal work associated with tunnel ventilation duct plate replacement (2) Tunnel equipment inspection, etc.
OtherIn case of stormy weather, the decision to stop at night will be made at 16:00 on the 20th.
*For information on whether or not construction is being carried out and detailed road closure information, Nakanihon Expressway website