Special cases of low bid price survey for this restoration work following the Great East Japan Earthquake

July 13, 2011

NEXCO EAST (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) will conduct a low bid price survey as a special measure only for this restoration work of damaged roads, etc., as a special measure, in order to promptly and smoothly restore and recover from the Great East Japan Earthquake. I will let you know.

1 Details of limited measures for restoration work

(1) Numerical criteria [Disqualification criteria] will be added.

In this restoration work, if the bid amount of the prospective bidder falls below the amount equivalent to 70% of the construction price specified by the Company, it will be disqualified as judged to meet the numerical criteria.

  • In the past, if the price falls under the said price, we have been conducting a focused survey, but we will disqualify without conducting a focused survey during this restoration work.
  • However, this measure does not apply if the work is subject to a government procurement agreement.
  • The numerical criteria for the basic survey are the same as before.

(2) Survey hearings can be conducted even before the deadline for submitting survey materials.

In this restoration work, if there is a request from the prospective bidder to submit the survey materials and the survey hearing, the survey hearing can be conducted even before the deadline for submission.

  • In this restoration work, it was decided that the survey hearing could be conducted from the time when the prospective bidder requested to submit the survey materials and conduct the survey hearing before the deadline for submission.

2 Application period of low bid price survey (special case) in this restoration work

It applies to all of this restoration work, from the announcement of bids to the completion of contract procedures.

In addition, we will inform you by bid announcement of each construction whether it is this restoration construction.

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