About maintenance measures associated with the shutdown of the shield machine
(Tomei Main Line shield tunnel construction, Oizumi Main Line / lamp shield tunnel construction)

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  • Conservation measures associated with the shutdown of the shield machine (Tomei Main Line shield tunnel construction, Oizumi Main Line / Lamp shield tunnel construction)

October 29, 2020
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Kanto Regional Head Office

Thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation in the Tokyo Outer Ring Road Project.
October 18 (Sun) In response to the ground surface collapse event near 2-chome, Higashi Tsutsujigaoka, Chofu City, we are currently causing inconvenience to the local people, such as conducting boring surveys after closing nearby roads. I will.

In the Tokyo Outer Ring Road Main Line Shield Tunnel Construction and Oizumi Junction F Lamp Shield Tunnel Construction, to ensure safety while the machine is stopped, perform the minimum necessary excavation and stabilize the earth and sand by regularly rotating the cutter of the shield machine. We would like to inform you.
See below for more information.
