About malfunction of emergency equipment in Ban-Etsu Expressway Yakeyama tunnel

March 18, 2017
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Niigata Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Niigata Regional Head Office (Chuo-ku, Niigata City) implemented "Prohibition of entry into the tunnel" at 5:58 am on March 18, 2017 due to malfunction of emergency equipment at the Yaeyama Tunnel on the Ban-Etsu Expressway We apologize for any inconvenience caused to our customers.

1 Event

In this event, a malfunction of the emergency equipment occurred in the Yaeyama tunnel between the Tsukawa IC and the Mikawa IC on the Ban-Etsu Expressway, and the tunnel entry prohibition measures were taken from 5:58 am to 6:26 am It was carried out for 28 minutes.

As a result of checking the site, it was found that there was no fire and that it was a malfunction.

This has caused many customers an inconvenience.

2 Future action

We are currently investigating the cause of the malfunction of the emergency equipment that has malfunctioned, and will take appropriate measures as soon as the cause is identified.