Aim for the next-generation Expressway

  • TOP
  • Future society
  • Next-generation Expressway
    Aim (goal)
  • Priority Projects
  • Roadmap
  • Promotion system

About the moVision Project

Expressway aims to accelerate the realization of an autonomous driving society (concept)-

Expressway socio-economic situation surrounding Expressway is changing drastically, such as highway congestion / accidents, aging, labor shortages, universal design, carbon neutrality, promotion of DX, and efficiency of infrastructure management.
On the other hand, technological innovations such as ICT, AI, robotics, sensors, digital communication (5G), and big data utilization are rapidly advancing, and the spread of self-driving vehicles and connected cars is becoming a reality.
In order to respond to this change in social conditions and continue to drive the further development of automobile transportation in the future, we have summarized the direction of advanced mobility service provision that NEXCO EAST

Video "203X Next Generation Expressway"

This video is based on mo V ision's 31 key projects.

Image of video "203X Next Generation Expressway"

Expressway that accelerates the realization of an autonomous driving society (concept) Full text [PDF: 5.3MB]

Collection of videos

This video explains the background and objectives of mo V ision and provides an overview of its 31 key projects.

Various pamphlets

Status of the moVision Project (April 2024)

Click here for past materials

The story so far


Expressway socio-economic situation surrounding Expressway is changing drastically, such as highway congestion / accidents, aging, labor shortages, universal design, carbon neutrality, promotion of DX, and efficiency of infrastructure management.
On the other hand, technological innovations such as ICT, AI, robotics, sensors, digital communication (5G), and big data utilization are rapidly advancing, and the spread of self-driving vehicles and connected cars is becoming a reality.
In order to respond to this change in social conditions and continue to drive the further development of automobile transportation in the future, we have summarized the direction of advanced mobility service provision that NEXCO EAST

After organizing the current socio-economic situation, based on the opinions of related industries and experts, we will organize the appearance of society 10 and 20 years from now, and the next generation that will support the "future society NEXCO EAST We have set the goal of the Expressway

Future society drawn by NEXCO EAST

  • A society that supports seamless movement for everyone to lead a healthy and active life
  • Organic connection between spheres with new movements, regardless of age or handicap
  • Realization of efficient logistics services in the age of aging and declining labor force
  • A strong and supple resilient society against frequent and intensifying natural disasters
  • Both the protection and inheritance of local culture, history and traditions and efficient economic activities

For details, go to the Aim (Goal) page Expressway

With an eye on the "future society," we have set the goals (goals) of Expressway
Expressway functions such as "1. safety" and "2. high speed" to additional functions such as "10. entertainment" that will become new goals in the future. Was set step by step, and the relationship with each goal of the SDGs was clarified.
In addition, we have also organized the technology of "advancement of Expressway management (maintenance management)" to support the realization of the desired figure.

Image of 10 items of next-generation Expressway aiming (targets)
10 items of next-generation Expressway aim (goals)

What are SDGs? (Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs website)

10 goals

What the 10-item next-generation Expressway is aiming for (Click here for details [PDF: 777KB])

1. Safety: Image of road with zero accidents realized by technological evolution
  • Realization of Expressway space that does not cause or cause traffic accidents or damage to third parties
  • Ensure infrastructure safety 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with constant monitoring
2. High speed: Image of road that can demonstrate superiority in movement between bases
  • Improving high speed by raising the regulated speed, securing a high-speed and safe driving space by creating a dedicated lane, etc.
  • Realization of an Expressway
3. On-timeness: Image of roads that make scheduled movement and transportation a matter of course
  • Achieve improved reliability of travel time as a road that supports Japan's industry, logistics, and daily life
  • Achieve advanced control such as improving the accuracy of traffic congestion prediction and facilitating traffic guidance by utilizing data
4. Substitutability / humor: Image of road that is strong against disasters and leads to relief
  • Providing network services that keep the flow of people and goods uninterrupted even in the event of a disaster
  • Integrated strengthening of disaster prevention functions including roadside areas
5. Nodularity: Image of road that expands travel options by combining various means of transportation
  • Realization of efficient and advanced logistics transportation by strengthening logistics knot function
  • Providing comprehensive transportation services through seamless cooperation with all means of transportation (providing transfer services)
6. Comfort: Image of the road where smooth movement makes the time inside the car comfortable
  • Improves punctuality and high speed to provide smooth movement
  • Pursuing comfortable movement with an eye on those who drive, those who ride together, and those who will be released from driving with the advent of autonomous driving
7. Convenience: Easy-to-use road image
  • Realization of an Expressway that is easy to access and easy for everyone, including vulnerable people
  • Providing an easy-to-use space for foreign travelers and those Expressway
8. Sustainability: Image of roads that contribute to carbon neutrality
  • Enhancing replenishment equipment for next-generation vehicles to help popularize next-generation vehicles with low environmental impact
  • Conversion to a Expressway that is in harmony with the environment and wisely provides the necessary energy
9. Regional compatibility: An image of a road that blends into the town and grows with the town
  • Expressway that realizes growth and value improvement together with roadside areas
  • Landscape-friendly road
10. Entertainment: Image of road (pursuit of UX) that makes you excited every time you use it
  • Realization of a road space that makes it fun to use
  • In order to realize the vision of the next-generation Expressway, we will launch a "priority project" consisting of 31 items, and will NEXCO EAST Medium-Term Management Plan period (2021 to 2025).
  • This project consisted of two perspectives: "transformation to solve short-term problems" and "challenge to create a long-term future."
Image of future aim image of "priority project"
Image of future vision << priority project >>
  • There are already trial stage projects and concept stage projects
  • Future Aim << Priority Project >> is the "concept" at this stage, and may change due to coordination of related organizations and progress of business.

31 priority projects

We will introduce the outline of 31 key projects and related technologies. (For details, click here [PDF: 1.0MB])
For related and up-to-date information on each priority project, please see the links below the chart.

(1) Next-generational highway radio

(1) Image of next-generation highway radio

E-High Radi (Source: DraPla)

(3) Anomaly detection using probe data

(3) Image of abnormality detection using probe data

(4) Traffic demand management

(4) Image of traffic demand control

(5) moVision version Digital Twin

(5) Image of moVision's digital twin

(7) Supports merging by self-driving vehicles

(7) Image image of merging support for autonomous vehicles

(8) Real-Time traffic monitoring for all lanes

(8) Image of real-time all-line monitoring

(9) Patrol drone

(9) Image of drone patrol

(10) Advanced overloading monitoring

(10) Image of advanced overload monitoring

(11) Parking for large vehicles

(11) Image of parking for large vehicles

(13) Smart grid

(13) Image of smart grid

(14) NEXCO EAST's version of MaaS

(14) Image of NEXCO EAST 's version of MaaS

(16) Providing information for self-driving vehicles

(16) Image of information provision to autonomous vehicles

(17) Transformation of unused facilities into compact parking areas

(17) Image of compact PA of idle facilities

(19) Lanes for selfdriving vehicles

(19) Image of lane dedicated to autonomous driving

(20) Media content distribution

(20) Image of content distribution

(21) Automated inspection vehicles

(21) Image of automatic inspection vehicle

(23) Valet parking

(23) Image of valet parking

(24) Enhancements for disaster preparedness

(24) Image of advanced disaster response

(25) Traffic managed by lane and vehicle type

(25) Image of operation management by lane and vehicle type

(26) Nextgenerational toll system

(26) Image of next-generation billing

(27) Automation of maintenance and repairs

(27) Image of automation of maintenance and repair

(28) Next-generational traffic control

(28) Image of next-generation traffic regulation

(30) Automated snowplows operation

(30) Image of automatic control of snowplow

(31) Slimming down of road structures

(31) Image of slimming of road structure

We have formulated roadmaps for 31 priority projects for the next five years, the period of our next medium-term management plan 10 years from now, and the long-term (2030-2040, 2040 and beyond).
In formulating the roadmap, the project was organized from four perspectives: hardware (facilities), software (operations), management (maintenance and management), and external collaboration.
For each priority project, we are considering and commencing projects in order, starting with those that are feasible, taking into account the scale of investment as well as the state of technological development and institutional design.
In addition, some of the projects require the establishment of relevant legal systems, which will take some time. Therefore, we will work with relevant organizations to coordinate and begin considering ways to realize the projects as soon as we are able to make the necessary arrangements.

Roadmap image image

Click here for a large image of the roadmap

Roadmap image (Large view)

In consideration of this concept, 2020 "next-generation in-house than the degree of Expressway to start the investigation established the way study group of", 2020 In October, in the headquarters "ITS Promotion Department Was newly installed to accelerate the examination.
In April 1991, the "ITS Promotion Committee" was set up within the company, chaired by a director and managing executive officer, general manager of the management business division, in line with the announcement of this concept, and this initiative was integrated NEXCO EAST Group We have built a system to promote it.

Image of promotion system