Corporate philosophy
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- Management strategy
- Corporate philosophy
Here are the management philosophy, the management vision, and the management policy of the NEXCO East Nippon Group.
Management Philosophy of the Group
The NEXCO East Nippon Group is dedicated to supporting the communities, improving their lives, and revitalizing the entire Japanese economy by optimizing the effects of the expressways.

Management Vision of the Group
The NEXCO East Nippon Group is determined to grow as a company that contributes to a lot of stakeholders, aiming to create the value of 'connect' for a society that is well-off beyond regions, countries, and generations.

Group management policy
- We will put customers first and improve safety, security, comfort and convenience.
- We will carry out sound group management and disseminate accurate corporate information by optimally utilizing management resources under fair and transparent corporate activities.
- We support the development of society by pursuing endless efficiency and demonstrating our technology and know-how.
- We will create an environment where group employees can work in a healthy and rewarding manner, emphasize the efforts and results of each employee, and value the spirit of challenge.
- We will promote CSR management, increase the value that can be reached by stakeholders and the corporate value of the entire group, and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.